
Read Online Armageddon by Kaitlyn O'Connor - Free Book Online

Book: Armageddon by Kaitlyn O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, Cultural Heritage
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but realized almost at the same moment that she’d landed on something relatively soft.
    A bunk.
    She dragged in another breath to scream, but held it as he sprawled on top of her.
    Gritting her teeth, she slapped and grabbed at his arms as he tore at her clothing. Chilling air licked across her bare skin, pebbling it. The man caught her wrists, forcing them to the mattress on either side of her head. “Be still, little fool!” he growled next to her ear.
    “I’m trying to save your neck.”
    She didn’t believe it, not for one moment, but there was something about his voice that tickled at her memory. Unclenching her eyes, she peered at the man as he levered himself above her. Even with the shadows cloaking him, the little light that penetrated so far gleamed off of the gold in his long hair. As her eyes focused, recognition slowly sank into her.
    It was the man she’d seen with Morris, the same one she’d glimpsed, or thought she’d glimpsed several times in the city since.
    She’d been right. He was a rebel.

    “Lena! It’s me, Dax. We’ve got to make this look good, so scream!” he said low near her ear, his voice ragged, his breathing harsh.

    Lena’s eyes widened to saucers as she felt something long and hard glide along her cleft. She needed no further encouragement to scream like a banshee, but there was more anger in it than fear. The bastard had lulled her, offered protection, and he had every intention of raping her!

    The loud smacking of an open palm on flesh jerked her eyes open again.
    Expecting to feel pain, Lena cut off mid-scream, staring at the man in confusion.
    He’d slapped his arm!
    He’d missed?
    He began shaking her. “Stop fighting it, bitch!” he growled in a loud voice.
    He’d missed the ‘spot’, too, Lena discovered, her confusion deepening when he began thrusting and heaving over her, his cock plowing a wide furrow along her cleft and sending keen shards of indescribable pleasure through her.
    What the hell?
    She’d been shoving frantically against him, but the fight had gone out of her. The moment she’d recognized him some totally different emotion flooded her. He was bloodied from the fight, grimy from the cell--he looked like hell. He looked twice as delicious with all that manly grit and sweat according to the heat meter in her body which erupted into an inferno.
    He settled his upper body weight against her, flattening her breasts. “Scream! I’m raping you!”
    She managed a guttural groan, partly because he was squeezing the breath from her chest and partly because the stroking along her nether lips was rapidly generating a lot of heat that wasn’t friction. Her sex clenched. She tried to ignore the rising awareness of pleasurable sensation, but the drug worked against her as much as her own body.
    His mouth covered her ear. The heat and moisture sent a stab of full fledged desire through her. “Help me escape, and I’ll take you with me,” he murmured when he ceased driving her crazy with his mouth and tongue.
    She registered the harshly whispered words. Her brain refused to decipher them, however.
    “Sounds to me like you’re enjoying it way too much!” a voice yelled abruptly. “I think I’ll have to give you to Black Stew after all.”
    It was the guard. Galvanized, Lena ceased groaning and began struggling to scream instead, arching and wiggling beneath the man who had called himself Dax as if she was fighting to thrust him off. Bucking was a mistake.
    She managed to curl her hips upward at the same moment he thrust. The head of his cock grazed the mouth of her sex, generating pain for both of them if his sharp hiss was any indication.
    Or maybe not.
    “Keep that up and I’ll finish this the way I’d like to,” he muttered.
    Lena was surprised at how tempting it was to pretend mindless incomprehension.
    She stopped abruptly, but she couldn’t resist the urge to shift against him until his thrusts were rubbing against her clit maddeningly.

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