Argent (Hundred Days Series Book 3)

Read Online Argent (Hundred Days Series Book 3) by Baird Wells - Free Book Online

Book: Argent (Hundred Days Series Book 3) by Baird Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Baird Wells
flames she couldn’t risk kindling now, when she was so close to realizing a victory over Paulina and Silas. What frightened her most was how delicious it felt each time she gave in to temptation, teased him or returned a glance, igniting the same impulsive passion she’d enjoyed with her stranger.
                  Her stranger. She shivered again at the memory of rough fingers grasping her naked thigh. He’d been a risk, and yet so much safer than Lord Reed. A few minutes of passion, a brief, anonymous respite from her rigid existence; she could dare that much. The way Spencer watched her now, in the flickering was too dangerous.
                  Spencer cleared his throat and broke their silent exchange. “I imagine you and Bennet would have a great deal to discuss.”
                  Now she dared to meet his eyes. “Why is that?”
    He rested a hip against the case and laced arms over his chest, threatening in his ease. “You are both adventurers, by my estimation.”
                  “You’re teasing me.” She relaxed and smoothed a hand over the cabinet door, mind drifting to better days. “I suppose I was an adventurer, once.”
                  Leaning in, he peered at her until she laughed and moved a step away.
    “But no longer?” he prodded.
                  “Not at the moment. A temporary state,” she promised.
                  “Mm. Cryptic. But I think I take your meaning.” He claimed her candle from the side table and swept a hand toward the door. “In that case, I look forward to witnessing your renaissance.”
                  At the heat of his palm ushering her, pressed against her back, she wished dearly that he could.

                  If Laurel hadn't told him that the sound from upstairs was a person, Spencer would have believed his hounds had gotten inside the house. Another round of barking drew Laurel up beside him as they shuffled upstairs. Chas, coming down, paused and shook his head. “Not the worst attack I've ever seen, but she's not fit to go out.”
                  “Should we send for a physician or...” Laurel held out her hands.
                  “Nothing to be done. Rest, hot tea, an open window.” Chas shrugged. “Eventually it passes. Just wish I knew what brought it on in the first place.”
                  A flat drone to Chas’s concern pricked at Spencer, who narrowed his eyes and studied the other man. For what, he couldn’t quite say.
                  “I should stay in with her,” insisted Laurel, gathering her skirts.
                  Seeing his first opportunity for solitary reconnaissance, Spencer had no intention of relinquishing it. He caught Laurel’s arm. “It will do you no good, as Mister Paton has said. The fit must run its course.” He pressed her shoulder. “Go; I'm already obliged to stay in. Someone will be at home, should Mrs. Rowan need anything. Ill as she is, she can hardly want company.”
                  If she was ill . He was growing less convinced by the day that Alexandra was as frail as everyone claimed, despite the ragged hacking upstairs. Her cryptic remark in his carriage tickled at a suspicion, stoking a desire to unravel the mystery that was Alexandra Rowan.
                  Tension melted from Laurel's shoulders and Chas, for his part, kept the same weary expression as they went down together.
                  Spencer stationed himself in the front hall long enough that he was useful to Laurel, and to see everyone packed up and bustled out. After, he stood in the quiet shadows a moment, appreciating the complete silence. He couldn’t help but notice an end to the coughing above, and wondered that it coincided so perfectly with everyone’s leaving.
                  For now,

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