Anita Blake 22 - Affliction

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Book: Anita Blake 22 - Affliction by Laurell K. Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurell K. Hamilton
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apologies, I did not realize you took your lovers so seriously, except for your master, of course.’
    ‘It would be a mistake to assume my priorities by normal vampire protocol,’ I said.
    ‘I’ve angered you,’ he said.
    ‘It’s okay, Anita,’ Nathaniel said.
    I shook my head. ‘No, it’s not.’
    ‘So, you’re saying this is personal business for you,’ the vampire said.
    ‘You know it is,’ I said.
    ‘But yet you are wearing your weapons,’ he said.
    ‘I rarely go anywhere unarmed.’ I let go of Nathaniel’s hand so I could stand facing the vampire more head-on. He’d let me know my concealed carry wasn’t concealed from his vampire eyes. Or maybe he’d been guessing and I’d confirmed it for him. Shit, I so didn’t want to play my-balls-are-bigger-than-yours while trying to support the men in my life. Had I started this game of mine’s-bigger-than-yours? Maybe; I hadn’t meant to.
    ‘What’s your name?’ I asked.
    ‘I am Alfredo.’
    ‘Great, okay, Alfie.’
    ‘How did you know my master calls me Alfie?’
    I’d actually just used the nickname to irritate him and throw him off his game. The fact that I’d accidentally used his real nickname just made it better. I smiled knowingly. ‘Look, I appreciate you coming to the airport to meet us. I appreciate Fredrico behaving like a civilized master vampire, but I’m honestly here to support my boyfriend and meet his family. I don’t want, or feel the need, to play who’s the biggest and the scariest, okay?’
    Alfie looked at me, eyes narrowed. ‘I have not …’
    ‘Look, just stop, okay? I’ll stop, if you will. You had to make a point of letting me know you’d spotted my weapons. I made a point of knowing your nickname, but I’m not going to have time or energy to play games like this, so let’s just behave like normal people. Thanks for coming to pick us up. I didn’t realize Micah’s cousin was going to be coming, too.’
    ‘Normal people?’ The vampire laughed, a short, abrupt, very human laugh. I put his age at under fifty years. If I’d wanted to let my necromancy out of the box, I could have told his age within a year or two, five at the outside, but if I trotted any of my metaphysical abilities out like that, he could take it as an insult. ‘Normal people do not have bodyguards. Normal people would not be given royal treatment by my master. You cannot be normal, Anita Blake; you are the Executioner, and now you are the American queen to our new king, Jean-Claude. You are a necromancer and I don’t know what else; the list of your powers and titles is too long, and thanks to your request that we not be formal I do not have to list them all, but normal you will never be, Ms Blake.’
    It was hard to argue with him, though I wanted to, but at that moment Micah came to us. He’d left Juliet at her truck. ‘Is there a problem?’ he asked, his voice low so it didn’t carry back to his cousin.
    ‘No problem,’ I said.
    Alfie bowed to Micah and said, ‘Mr Callahan, I am sorry to meet you under such trying circumstances. My name is Alfie and my master has put me at your disposal in the evenings.’
    I thought it was interesting that Micah and I both got a bow, but Nathaniel hadn’t rated one, or any acknowledgment until I made a point of it. No matter how hard they tried, there were going to be vampire politics involved.
    ‘Thank you, Alfie,’ Micah said. He turned to me and I knew the look. He was asking me if there was something wrong.
    I felt, more than heard, some of our people coming up behind us. The look on Alfie’s face as he looked up and past the three of us confirmed that the biggest, baddest-looking people with us were now right behind us. The fact that the vampire couldn’t keep his worry off his face made me shave another ten years off his undead age: thirty years dead, tops.
    I glanced back to see our remaining bodyguards coming up behind us. Bram and Ares looked like dark and light halves to a

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