ANGEL'S KISS (A Dark Angel's Novel)

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Book: ANGEL'S KISS (A Dark Angel's Novel) by Lynne Stevie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Stevie
grandmother’s brick home always looks cold to me, so symmetrical in design that it seems more like a huge fortress or office building than a home where people can live and grow. I had a great sense of foreboding at that moment. I was frozen in my seat, dread weighing me down. William came around and opened my door and waited. When I didn’t get out, he peeked in. Seeing what must have been a terrified look in my eyes, his face softened.
    “Miss Alexandria, please do not keep your grandmother waiting.”
    “Might as well get this over with,” I said under my breath as I exited the limo. William heard it and responded by taking my hand and turning me to look into my warm brown eyes.
    “If I may, let me give you some advice.”
    This is what I’d been waiting for. “Please, William—why am I here today?”
    “That I cannot say. But keep your wits about you and listen without judgment or ridicule to everything your grandmother has to say. She means only to protect you.”
    “What’s that supposed to clear up?” But William just put his hand on my back and led me through the huge black front door.
    Once inside I felt like a five-year-old again; afraid to touch anything because I might break it and have to face my grandmother’s wrath. Seeing her now descending the grand staircase, I was overcome by her beauty and strength. She’s in her seventies, but she doesn’t look a day over fifty, and she moves with the natural grace of a ballerina. At first glance her petite 5'2" frame and welcoming smile might put you at ease, but one look in her cold, emerald eyes and you know she’s no one to mess with. Dressed from head to toe in silk as blue as the sky on a summer day, her dark auburn hair waving perfectly on her shoulders, she’s the epitome of elegance. She would be equally at home in a Georgia mansion as she would be in a New York City penthouse.
    “ Alexandria , it’s so good of you to indulge me with a visit today. I realize that this visit came at an inopportune moment, but I fear that our little chat is already dreadfully overdue. Please join me in the solarium,” she said, gesturing toward the back of the house. “Harriet has set out some tea and biscotti for us to enjoy.”
    I felt William’s hand drop from my back as she focused her attention on him. “That will be all for now, William. I will call when I’m ready for her to leave.”
    William nodded to B before leaving me alone in unfriendly territory. I felt like bolting after him.
    “ Alexandria ,” B said with a stern look in her eyes, “this way, dear.” She led the way under the massive staircase through the large parlor to the solarium. Inside were fussy, ornately pruned orchids, bonsai trees, and tea roses. English ivy was one of the only free-spirited plants in the place, and even it was sculpted into large formal topiaries.
    “Have a seat.” She motioned to a large grouping of wrought iron furniture. Even with the ivory cushions and pillows, I could tell the chairs would be uncomfortable, but B sat on the sofa with perfect posture. As she poured the tea from her shiny silver tea service into floral china cups she said, “I know you prefer coffee. However, tea is much better for you. Would you like sugar or cream?”
    “No, thanks. Just plain.” What the hell was going on? Had my grandmother invited me over for a tea party?
    “Okay, enough with the pleasantries,” I said, taking my cup from her. “Why am I here today?”
    “Straight to the point. I forgot how very much like your father you are,” she said with a sigh. She took a sip of tea and then settled into her seat.
    “ Alexandria , I received word last night that you were attacked and you fought off the attacker with a high-heeled shoe.” She smiled as if she was somehow proud.
    “Nice thinking and very creative, I might add. However.” She straightened her shirt, brushed nonexistent crumbs off her pants, and changed her tone to one of disapproval. “Because of that

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