told me not to continue up the lane but to
go through the fields instead. I climbed a gate and as I was
walking through the long grass towards the woods, He ruffled
my hair.
He has an extraordinary presence, too powerful to manifest
in physical form. Instead, when he's present it feels like a
powerful force swirling around me. He has a habit of ruffling
my hair, which makes it feel all tingly. I feel so special and so
good when he is near me.
As a child I didn't know who or what he was, I just knew that
he was a completely different order of being.
'You're here!' I laughed with delight.
'I never leave you,' He said, 'I'm always with you. Don't you
know that? Don't you feel me? I ruffle your hair a lot. Why do
you hide from me?'
He was right: I did hide from him sometimes – even to this
day I try at times because he is so big and so powerful. I
remember turning and feeling his powerful force on my left
side, moving alongside me. I replied, 'Because you are so much
bigger than me and I am so small.'
He laughed and said, 'Lorna. Don't hide anymore. Come,
let's go for a walk now and I will take away your fear of what
you have to do for me in this life.'
We continued until we reached the woods. In a gap between
the trees, overlooking the lake, there was an old wooden chalet
and we sat down there in the sun to talk.
'You know I'm afraid,' I said to him.
'There is no need for you to be afraid, Lorna, I will not let
any harm come to you,' He said. 'People need you and so do
their souls, just as I need them.'
'Why me?' I asked tearfully.
'Why not you?' he replied, 'You may be a child, but you
know more than most people out there in the world. You are
my human angel, here to help people and their souls. Shed
your tears freely my little one, my Bird of Love.'
I looked at him. 'Why do you call me your "Bird of Love"?'
I asked.
'Because you carry love like your little bird did. You are pure
in your soul; you are my little bird of love and I need you, and
so do others.'
'You know I don't like being different from other children,'
I replied tearfully.
He wiped away my tears. 'Lorna, you know I am always
beside you,' and he put his arm around my shoulder and held
me tight.
The two of us walked back through the forest and cut through
the fields and back towards my grandmother's house. All of a
sudden he had gone. I continued up to my grandmother's house
and my Mum was there, helping Granny bake apple tarts and
make the dinner. I just watched them and listened – that's
something I did an awful lot of. I always let others talk, but I
would listen and I would hear the words they were not saying,
the words that they wanted to say, the words they kept in their
heart – their joy and the happiness, and also their pain.
We had four or five very enjoyable summers in Mountshannon,
but when I was about eleven or twelve, Granny had
a heart attack and was unable to continue in her job so she left
the house and we never went back to Mountshannon on
holidays again.
I never saw Sally again, either. Years later I was told that she
had died all on her own, up there in that cottage on the
mountains, but I know she wasn't on her own, the angels were
with her. After my father died, no one was able to find any
proof of my father's ownership of the land, so none of us ever
fulfilled Da's dream and built a house there.
Chapter Five
I have been given visions on many occasions throughout my
life.When I was about ten I was out in the fields walking along
the river and the angels said, 'Just up here we are going to meet
'Who's Elijah?' I asked. I laughed at the name Elijah; I had
never heard it before and I thought it sounded lovely.
The angels weren't laughing, though.
'Elijah is going to show you something, Lorna, you must try
and remember, because this is part of your future.'
An angel walked towards me across the river from the far
bank. It's hard to describe him; he was a rusty colour – that
rusty, amber colour which
Melanie Milburne
Alexis Henderson
Kevin Courrier
James Patterson
Karen Miller
David Lubar
Susan Swan
Brauna E. Pouns, Donald Wrye
Bella Settarra
Anne Eliot