Angela's Hope (Wildflowers)

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Book: Angela's Hope (Wildflowers) by Leah Banicki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leah Banicki
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and mends some dresses. I may even fit in a nap or two if my body calls for it.” Angela smiled.
    Angela was already planning on visiting with Marie soon, to see if she needed help with her pies tomorrow. It would keep her from being a nuisance or underfoot.
    * * * * *
    "Seeing my Angela girl safe and sound is like a song from heaven." Clive's jovial voice broke through the crowd talking and eating. Everyone grew quiet for a moment then a few cheers and jeers for Clive sounded out. His tall lean body walked in the room and always caused a stir. He was just that kind of character. His dark hair now more peppered with white since Angela saw him last year. She remembered a shave and a haircut that Corinne and her had given to him on the trail. It was one of the better memories for Angela of her first attempt of the Oregon Trail.
    "I have been waiting to get to hug you proper Mr. Quackenbush." Angela jumped from the table when he got closer and planted a bear hug around his shoulders. She held on for more than a few moments and he let her. He didn't mind the affection and he had a special place in his heart for both young ladies he met last year on the trail. His eyes could see Angie moved toward him well, he would be watching her for any remaining injury as all of them would be that cared for her. Angela had a caretaker spirit and she hadn't had too many people trying to take care of her in her younger days. He knew of several folks that would gladly help in the protection of this girl- almost woman.
    "Girl you smell like a breath of spring. I can tell you’ve been socializin’ with Cori Grant and all her flowerizin’ of everything. Her supreme mission is making everyone smell like a tulip, or perhaps a romp in a flower meadow." He winked at Corinne and picked up Angela for an extra squeeze before he set her down. Angela loved how Clive had his voices, sometimes he sounded like he was from the south, other times he could sound like the educated city man. Clive was a rare breed.
    "I came to announce that Corinne had a shipment arrive at the store today from California. I saw cargo from Russia, China and Australia. Also the town Doctor wanted to have a chat with ya as well. My other reason is obvious as I came to get another peek at my girl, Red. I will not be satisfied to leave unless I get at least three healthy blushes from ya girl. It does my heart good to see that kind of color on a fair cheeked maiden, I may be past my sixtieth year but it does remind me so of my first fair bride. She had a darker red than you but her face was nigh as fair." Clive held his hat to his heart and dramatically closed his eyes. He had a flair for speeches.
    "I will do my best to give you as many blushes as you need Clive. I have missed your charms. You do me good, too. I hope to talk with you soon about getting mail off to California. I will try to locate my brother." Angela welcomed Clive over to the table with a gesture and they all enjoyed talking with the great man. His sense of humor, his patience and experience made him a rare find. He was a true gift to anyone who knew him.
    * * * * *
    "Oregon City has grown so fast Angie. It seems a new business goes up every week. We now have an Apothecary, a Doctor and a gentleman named Gomer Hines is starting up a newspaper. The town constable is trying to get a paid sheriff position as an option passed by the town council. All in all it's a growing town. I don't love the politics or the politicians, as I have had a few run-ins with town councilmen. They have played me false over a spurned romance but that has calmed some. I haven’t filled you in on the young Sidney Prince who fell desperately in love with me on the trail." Corinne made a few faces and made Angie laughed as they traveled along the main road.
    "Sidney was a sweet young lad who turned sour when I tried to refuse his advances.” Corinne was a fast talker when she was excited. Angela was trying to pay close attention

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