Angel of Auschwitz

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Book: Angel of Auschwitz by Tarra Light Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tarra Light
Boris protected me from danger. He helped me to perform my healing work free from the observation of the Nazis. To summon him I called “Boris!” with the force of my mind. As his astral form appeared before me, I telepathed, “I need your assistance, Professor. I don’t want the guards to witness my activities. I don’t want the women of my barracks to be aware of my absence. I want to be
. As a ghost, I surmise you have some expertise in disappearance.”
    “My child,” he answered, “I have an exercise for you to practice. Soon you will grasp this technique and be able to disappear at will. Then you can carry on your ministry unseen by enemy eyes.” Boris’s eyes twinkled. He was delighted to have such an eager student. He remembered his happy days as a university professor, standing in front of a classroom, looking into all the bright eyes of students seeking truth and knowledge.
    “Begin with a prayer,” he instructed me. “Thank God for honoring you by placing you here where the need is so great.”
    “I have committed my life to serve God,” I replied.
    “With this exercise, you will learn to use the power of your mind to raise the frequency of your energetic field. You will vibrate at a frequency beyond the range of human sight. To begin, command the molecules of your body and surrounding aura to spin in a counterclockwise direction. Become familiar with the sensation so you do not become disoriented. Then increase the speed of the spin. When the acceleration reaches its peak, you will feel lighter, almost like you can float away.
    “This practice requires total concentration. Do not lose your focus for an instant. This is a warning: stay calm at all times. Do not allow yourself to be triggered by emotional reactions. They can sabotage your mission. Sudden changes, fright, and anger can upset your mental balance. One moment of lapse in attention is all that is needed for your energy to formulate into an image that can be seen. Do not allow emotional vulnerability to set the stage for your downfall.”
    During the final years of his life, Boris worked diligently to develop those psychic abilities he had previously scorned due to his intellectual arrogance. He taught me how to control and direct energy so my workwould be more effective. He showed me how to create shields around my body as a form of psychic protection. He taught me the practice of merging, as his astral presence blended with my physical form. If anyone looked in my direction, they saw a haze where I was standing.
    He masterminded a repertoire of diversionary tricks to fool the guards, to distract attention and deflect observation, so that I could not be seen or recognized. By mental projection, he sent thoughts and visual images into the minds of onlooking guards to divert their attention. At times he would create a disturbance behind them so they would turn their heads away from me.
    While I was doing healing work in other parts of the camp, Boris used mental projection to cover my absence. At my barracks, he sent visual images of my physical self to several of the women at once. Under the night sky I sneaked back to my bed and woke up with the others.

The Test
    T HE CAMP WAS SITUATED in the countryside of southern Poland. Many of the nearby farms were abandoned, the fields overgrown with weeds. Wildflowers reclaimed the land. Bees and butterflies savored the sweet nectar of nature’s harvest. Ground squirrels gleefully dug their tunnels, free from the harrow, the disc, and the destructive tools of man.
    A few kilometers north of Auschwitz was an abandoned potato farm. Attached to the eaves of a ramshackle barn was a small hornets’ nest. Weeks earlier Boris had discovered the nest, and now he was ready to use it to its full advantage. Carefully he removed the nest and placed it in a box. He smiled as he anticipated seeing these angry hornets arrive at their destination. He did not worry whether the hornets got angry at him

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