so they can grow and learn spiritually without fear.
We Are Never Given
More Than We Can Handle
The Mahanta also works with each
ECKist in the dream state. When we dream, we simply operate in a different state of consciousness. We have less resistance to Divine Spirit, and we can more easily receive the guidance of the Master. The
ECKist finds many spiritual issues are resolved while dreaming, and Eckankar provides instruction which helps us remember and understand our dreams.
The Living ECK Master
Grants Total Spiritual Freedom
to His Students
The prime mission of the Mahanta,
the Living ECK Master is to lead Soul
home to God. The Master always grants
total spiritual freedom to his students.
They are never controlled or manipulated, and they have complete freedom of choice in every aspect of life. The ECK Masters have attained spiritual freedom for themselves and would like to share this joy with as many Souls as want it.
There Is Always
a Living ECK Master
Eckankar always has a living Master.
The Living ECK Master makes sure the
spiritual essence of the teachings re-
mains pure even though the outer form
and shape of Eckankar might change.
Each Living ECK Master is respon-
sible for training and appointing his
successor. There are always a number of individuals who are quietly in training to become the next Living ECK Master.
The spiritual training is rigorous, and many do not pass the required tests. Only one is chosen.
Few Religions Resemble
the Spiritual Teaching Given
by the Founders
Very few religions of today resemble
the spiritual teaching given by their
founders. Christianity has gone through many changes, and the Bible has seen
many edits. As a result, what is written may bear little resemblance to what
Christ actually said. The purpose of a living Master is to prevent such mis-direction of the original spiritual truths.
The Master is the Living Word.
With the Living ECK Master as
Guide, We Experience Only What
Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth
The ECK Masters have made the same
spiritual journey and have come to
understand the road. They know the
shortest route. We can save enormous
wear and tear by following their lead back to God. Without a spiritual guide, the journey home can be long and arduous.
With the Living ECK Master as our guide, we experience only what is necessary for our spiritual growth. The purpose of the Living ECK Master is to show us the way home to God.
The Mahanta Is the Inner Form
of the Living ECK Master
The Mahanta, the Living ECK Master
is the spiritual leader of Eckankar. The Mahanta is the inner, or spiritual, form of the Living ECK Master, which most
ECKists work with on a daily basis. Few can physically converse with the Living ECK Master because of physical-world
limitations. But the Mahanta is avail-
able to all at every moment.
The Living ECK Master
Is Not Worshiped
In Eckankar, the Living ECK Master
is not idolized. He is given respect and love, but he is not worshiped. It is the Master’s function, not his personality, that 108
is important. Thus when the Mastership is passed from one person to another, the spiritual life of the ECKist need not
The Living ECK Master Takes on
Karma but Doesn’t Relieve It
The Mahanta also takes over the
karma of his followers. This does not mean he will relieve anyone of their karma, for this could mean they would be deprived of an experience they may need. But it means their karmic experience will be
organized in such a way they can better understand the lessons being offered.
If we open our hearts, we will be able to see what our experiences are telling us about our attitudes and our own spiritual nature. The Mahanta also tells us we will never receive more than we can handle. Our karma is regulated in such a way that, if we listen to our spiritual guidance, we won’t be overloaded, lose our balance, and fall off the spiritual path.
It’s Natural to
Christopher Hibbert
Estelle Ryan
Feminista Jones
Louis L’Amour
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Louise Rose-Innes
Linda Howard
Millie Gray
Julia Quinn
Jerry Bergman