Ancient Blood: The Fallen

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Book: Ancient Blood: The Fallen by Renea Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renea Taylor
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temper. Then, calmly I pulled open the passenger door of the truck, placed the bag of groceries on the seat, afterward quietly shutting the door before I turned, and with a well-aimed kick, nailed the offending tire.
    However, even in its deflated, pathetic condition, the tire got the last laugh, for the joke was on me when it fought back, giving as good as it got. I found myself uttering a painful yelp as a bolt of lightening shot through my big toe, crawled its way into what felt like every bone in my foot before continuing its assault in a journey up my calf.              
    Doubling over, I sucked in air as moisture filled my eyes, then for several seconds I battled the pressing grayness that foretold of encroaching unconsciousness.
    Finally, the pain began to subside enough that it allowed me to stand upright again. Several more minutes passed before I was confident enough that neither my toe, nor my foot were broken, as through the sheen of angry tears that still lingered in my eyes, I hobbled around to the back of the truck and prepared to change the tire.
    Thirty minutes later, the felonious tire changed, I was slamming the drivers door shut behind me as I muttered, “God, just let me get through this day,” fervently praying that no more mishaps occurred before I was able to get home in one piece.
    Thankfully, nothing else went wrong, and I sent up my gratitude as I turned into my drive. Creeping back over the dirt ruts of my driveway, I prayed that my luck continued, and that I managed to get the eggs from point A to point B without breaking them, and winding up with runny, scrambled yolks all over my seat.
    It seemed the fates were with me, for my groceries and I both made it inside without another single crack or laceration, and the only visible sign of the rotten trip to town was a cut on my tongue, and the swollen black and purple digit that faintly resembled a big toe!
    * * *
    An hour later I was poised in front of my canvas, prepared to run my brush across its empty surface the second inspiration struck, when a loud squawk issued from between my lips, for I heard what sounded to be a whisper right next to my ear.
    Jerking around, I grabbed a nearby vase and whirled about, eyes wide as they encircled the room, where in the hell had that came from, I wondered, for the room was utterly empty, yet I knew it hadn't just been my imagination, no, not this time, someone had whispered in my damn ear!
    Turning I fled from the room, wondering just what in the hell this thing was that was playing with me, for it was a something that I couldn't see, nor touch!
    What the whisper had said I had no idea, and to be honest, really didn’t give a damn for the fact was, I wasn't about to ask it to repeat itself. For all I knew it was the same creature of demise that I'd already chanced upon twice now.
    Glancing at the vase I still held like a weapon in my hands, I gently set it on a nearby table, thinking to myself that a fat lot of good it would do me, for I couldn't even see what I was supposed to be hitting with it! Besides, the only thing I'd probably wind up injuring with the blasted thing, was myself!
    Scuttling over to the center of the living room, my heart pounding so hard in my chest I felt as if it was going to come through and land at my feet, I stood there, crouched ninja style, coasting around in my head what to do.
    Maybe I should tell someone, but tell them what?
    That I was hearing voices? That I was being watched, watched by something that, though I couldn’t be positive, I was nonetheless pretty damn certain was death itself! And guess what would happen? I'd have my butt admitted to the nearest Loony-bin is what would happen, and have my ass declared nuts!
    I knew I wasn't bonkers, I knew that the thing pursuing me was real and by no means my imagination, however, if I'd heard someone else uttering the same story, I myself would have a hard time believing of their sanity.
    Slowly time passed with

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