
Read Online Anaz-Voohri by Vijaya Schartz - Free Book Online

Book: Anaz-Voohri by Vijaya Schartz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vijaya Schartz
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    “But the deal has to go both ways. I want to know what you know.”
    Michalski chortled. “Don’t worry. If you work with us, we’ll share as well. The extent of what we discovered might even astound you."
    Zack savored his unexpected triumph. He couldn’t believe how different the world seemed from the other side of the fence. Working for the FBI was the last thing Zack had ever imagined. Why hadn’t he thought of this earlier? Was it even ethical? In some twisted way, it made sense. With the FBI on his side, Zack might finally stand a chance to succeed. “So, how much do you know?”
    Michalski leaned back in his chair. “What if I told you alien spacecraft have been sighted in the vicinity of Earth quite recently and several governments are in alert?”
    “Anaz-voohri ships?" That changed everything. If they’d come back, maybe they’d return Ashley.
    “That’s what you keep calling them in your book. Interesting name, Anaz-voohri.”
    “That’s what they call themselves." Zack still didn’t quite trust the man. “What guarantees do I have that you’ll keep your end of the bargain?”
    “Listen." Michalski picked up his cigar. “We are desperate against a powerful aggressor, and if you can give us an edge, I’m prepared to make you a sweet deal.”
    The thought of Lobo crossed Zack’s mind. What would his friend think of such a sudden reversal? What would he do in his place? Lobo always strived for wisdom, peace, and cooperation. What was more important? Following the old path or getting results? The fate of the world could be at stake. Zack took a deep breath and released it slowly. He wasn’t totally comfortable with the idea, but it was his best shot. “I’m in.”
    “And you’ll give up all your public activities?”
    Zack dropped into the chair and sighed. “If that’s what it takes.”
    “Be careful. Once under oath, any slip up and I promise you’ll find yourself in that dingy cell. The FBI is no college frat house. We mean what we say.”
    Zack swallowed hard. As an aspiring journalist, he’d never been good at keeping secrets. He’d have to tread carefully with this precarious arrangement. “I give you my word.”
    “After we share with you, there is no going back. Do you understand?”
    The finality choked Zack’s voice. “I’m well aware of that." He willed his words to come loud and clear. “Let’s do this.”
    “Good. Here’s the deal." Agent Michalski pushed a button on his desk and the glass walls turned milky white. The side wall became a large screen where an image of Earth from space appeared. He swiveled his chair to face the wall.
    Zack did the same.
    “This recording was taken by an orbiting satellite on July 4, 2003, the night the twelve little girls, the Darling Dozen as we call them, disappeared from their beds in the middle of the night.”
    Zack would never forget that fateful night. He watched with fascination the three disc-shaped vessels gliding smoothly toward the North American East Coast, moonlight glinting on their golden surface. The hull seemed carved with markings that resembled the Anasazi petroglyphs Zack had observed in his quest for Kokopelli, the flute player. The alien vessels paused over Long Island. One remained there while another went to the Midwest and the third swooped to LA then flew over the Pacific Ocean toward the Hawaiian Islands. “I’ll be damned!" Zack exclaimed. “You knew all along?”
    “They landed in all the spots where the girls were abducted. But that’s not all." Agent Michalski pressed a key on a desk top device, and another view from space displayed the Indian Ocean. “This one was taken on December 26, 2004, just hours before the Tsunami struck.”
    Chills running down his spine, Zack observed a spaceship falling through the atmosphere like a flaming meteorite, accelerating toward the ocean. The ship splashed and disappeared under the surface.
    “Keep watching.”
    Zack focused on the spot where

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