Anastasia (The Bolton Series Book 1)

Read Online Anastasia (The Bolton Series Book 1) by Heaven Lyanne Flores - Free Book Online

Book: Anastasia (The Bolton Series Book 1) by Heaven Lyanne Flores Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heaven Lyanne Flores
always let me help him fry them but I always burnt them. I could feel the tears return but quickly choked them down.
    “What are you?” I decided to ask Yelson to keep me distracted. His laughing eyes suddenly grew dark as they looked away from me.
    “You should really try to get some sleep.” He said dismissing my question.
    “Yelson, I want to know what you are. You’re my guard, how can I walk around everywhere with you and not know who is protecting me.”
    “You don’t need to know that. All you need to know is that I would do anything for you no matter what I am.” Yelson stood up from the chair and started to walk to the door.
    “You don’t even know me. Why would you want to protect me?” He looked at me as if I was missing some huge picture.
    “I do know you, Anastasia.” He whispered, so low I almost missed it, before he turned around and left my room.

Chapter Five
    He could not possible know me I had just met him a few hours ago. He seemed so sure of it though. The way his jaw tensed up before he said those five words. Even though he was looking at the floor I was able to see that his gray eyes grew hard. It was easy to tell he meant what he was saying. Even if I did not believe it myself.
    I decided to grab my pack off the floor where I left it and took out my spell book. I turned to the page after the binding spell I had memorized just days before. The next spell was a defensive one.
    The description that was hand written underneath it said that this spell would cast a force field around whomever I direct it towards, even myself. It was a simple incantation, not nearly as long as the spell before it. I knew I would have it memorized in a short time period.
    I put my book into the top drawer closest to the bed. I placed my small amount of clothing on top of it to hide it from view. I did not want anyone to know I had it even if I could trust these people.
    I grabbed the hairbrush and toothbrush out of the bag, as well as a change of clothing when I finally noticed I was still in my pajamas from the night before and made my way to the bathroom across the hall. From the hall window, I was able to see the sun was starting to rise.
    The claw-footed tub was the first thing I noticed when I entered the bathroom. It reminded me of the one my family had when we lived in Las Vegas when I was seven. Mom would fill it with water always at the right temperature and would add bubbles just for me. I smiled as the memory passed.
    I missed my mom. I missed my family. The tears forced their way down my cheeks, warping my vision until everything was just a blurry mess. I grabbed onto the sink as I cried to keep me from falling.
    Why couldn’t they just let those men take me? I was all they wanted, they wouldn’t have hurt them. I wasn’t worth all three of their lives, heck I wasn’t even worth one. I just needed my family to be safe. Even if that meant I would be gone.
    “Are you okay in there?” A woman asked through the door at the sound of my crying. It was Emilie.
    I cleared my throat before I replied. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
    “It doesn’t sound like you are.” I was half-tempted to open the door and tell her I was lying. I needed someone’s shoulder to cry on, for someone to comfort me. However, I could not let her see me like this.
    My reflection showed the bags underneath my eyes that had deepened the past couple of days. My eyes were puffy and red from my crying, my blond hair was in a matted mess and my cheeks were stained with my tears. No, I could not let her see me like this.
    “My room is the first one in the hallway if you want to talk about it, or even if you just don’t want to be alone. All you gotta do is knock.”
    “Thank you, Emilie.” I said through the door.
    “No problem. I just want you to feel at home.” But this was not my home. It never could be. This place was just a reminder that my family was gone. Her footsteps echoed down the hall until a

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