An Improper Lady (The Powder and Patch Collection)

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Book: An Improper Lady (The Powder and Patch Collection) by Jane Godman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Godman
and the best way to hold a cue. It was some considerable time later that Harry drifted off to bed to dream, as always, of a place in a cavalry regiment. Tonight he would also fantasise about the day when he would trounce his new mentor at the billiard table.
    Rosie had been smothering her yawns for some time, a circumstance for which she was full of apologies. “Go to bed, child!” Bella chided her. Jack, overhearing the remark, hurried to his wife’s side. When their hosts had departed, Bella went to join Sir Peregrine, who was returning the cues to their rack and stacking the ivory balls into a storage box.
    “ Will you teach me to play?” Bella asked him, with her best flirtatious smile.
    He studied her flawless face with an unreadable expression. “No,” he replied with an uncharacteristic lack of grace. She bit her lip, and his expression thawed slightly. “I will challenge you instead to a match. Best of three frames.”
    “’Twill be a somewhat one-sided contest,” she pointed out.
    “ We will have a side wager to make it interesting,” he leaned against the table, folding his arms across his chest and smiling down at her. They were close enough to touch, and Bella fought down the impulse to reach out and run her fingertips along his cheek.
    “ Come, let us end this impasse between us, once and for all,” Sir Peregrine suggested. “If I win, you will spend the night with me.”
    Bella laughed. “We can dispense with the game and secure that outcome right now. Indeed, I will happily submit to a forfeit which means I must spend every night with you.” she reminded him.
    Reaching out one long finger, Sir Peregrine pressed it against her lips, “But, if you win, you agree to marry me!” Bella seemed inclined to protest and he leaned in close. “Take it or leave it, my beauty,” he murmured.
    “ Very well, sir,” Bella dipped a mock curtsey. “You have yourself a wager!” After all I cannot possibly beat him!
    “ Now?” she asked, reaching for a cue.
    Sir Peregrine shook his head. “You have pointed out that we are somewhat unevenly matched.” A wicked smile gleamed. “In this game, at least! I will give you one day to practice, then tomorrow night’s outcome will decide both our fates, my lady!”
    “It seems to me, Bella, as an impartial observer, you understand,” Jack remarked, holding the coffee pot up in a silent invitation. Bella nodded and he poured the steaming liquid into her cup. “That you stand to gain a great deal more if you emerge from this challenge as the victor.”
    They were alone at the breakfast table but, since Sir Peregrine had risen early and gone out riding, Jack already knew all about the wager. He studied Bella’s expression which, although outwardly serene, was somewhat distant. “I would be happy to offer you some coaching in the game, although I should warn you that Perry is accounted something of an expert.”
    “Oh, I know,” she replied coolly. “I cannot win and, to be perfectly honest, I have no intention of attempting to do so.”
    “ So you do not wish to marry Perry? I had thought…” Jack was surprised at the wistful look which briefly touched Bella’s perfect features.
    “ Come now, Jack!” she declared briskly, “You know what my life has been! Sir Peregrine is your friend. Would you have me dupe him into a marriage which he would forever regret? One which would, in all likelihood, result in his ruin?”
    “ You are unfair to him and yourself! He is no fool, and I know you have been honest with him, brutally so! And I also know you would not make him unhappy.”
    A soft, secret smile played about her lips before she answered. “I would attempt not to do so, of course!” She shook herself out of the pleasant daydream the words evoked. “But it cannot – it must not! - be thought of! I have told him he must marry a pretty little girl with no past and excellent breeding. A proper lady, in other words!” She smiled. “And

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