An Expert in Domination

Read Online An Expert in Domination by Sindra van Yssel - Free Book Online

Book: An Expert in Domination by Sindra van Yssel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sindra van Yssel
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, BDSM
happened. He withdrew his finger and feathered it across her belly, a wet reminder of just how turned on she was.
    He placed something against her pussy. She wasn’t sure what it was, so she opened her eyes to look down, but she still couldn’t see clearly without bending forward. She tried that, only to have him grab her hair and force her to stop. She glared at him for a moment, and then, seeing his smile, relaxed. He was taking charge, and that was fine. That was what they’d agreed to.
    He reached down for another rope, still holding on to her hair. He weaved it through her locks and tied it to the bar overhead. Now she definitely couldn’t look down.
    His hands drifted over her body again. Stomach, shoulders, back, bottom, breasts. He avoided her pussy, but whatever he had placed there was hard and pressed against it. Still, without friction, that was only so arousing.
    He kissed her neck while he cupped her breasts from behind. She sighed into his touch, unable to lean back into him but feeling utterly hedonistic. His fingers brushed her nipples and teased them until they ached even more. They feel so hard now. They must be like little pebbles against his hand. Each touch sent a shiver down to her pussy, building pressure. Sophia opened her eyes and looked around, trying to distract herself. The girl on the post had pink stripes all over her body, but she was clearly spaced out, floating in a very pleasant world of her own. At a table, hot wax was being dripped on a voluptuous woman. Neither scene helped distract her. In spite of herself, she wondered what it was like to surrender as completely as the other women seemed to be. She closed her eyes again.
    His hand left her for a moment, then returned. Why? Then she felt the thing between her legs move. Her pussy shuddered in response to the sudden vibrations. That doesn’t count. That was just a twitch of surprise.
    “It’s nice, isn’t it? It’s the best one I’ve found. I keep a car battery to run it off, so I don’t have to plug it in, and it can go for over an hour. And it will. Leaving my hands free to do this.” He plucked lightly at her nipple. “And this.” He traced his finger along the crack of her ass, making her insides quiver. She nearly lost control at that.
    “An hour?” she said, shivering. Surely he didn’t intend to leave that thing there an hour. It was way more powerful than her vibrator at home.
    He chuckled. “Would you prefer I remove it the moment I win the bet?” He ran his hands down her sides, with such a light touch it was almost tickling.
    She gritted her teeth. “You’re not going to win the bet.” But she was beginning to wonder.
    “Well, then, not an issue, is it?” He bent over and sucked one nipple into his mouth, and his hand enfolded her other breast. He cupped her ass and pulled her close just as he nudged the vibrator suddenly forward.
    For several minutes—she had no idea how long—he played with her breasts and her ass, pinching lightly, groping, but doing nothing she would think of as S&M. At least, except for the fact that she was tied up and a vibrator was humming away at her, and there was nothing she could do about it. The helplessness alone was an aphrodisiac. She didn’t have the fine control she would at home, to get just the right spot, and there was little she could do to influence it. Instead, he had control, and the more she thought about that, the more turned on she got. His hands, touching wherever he wanted.
    She knew she was going to lose the bet. She surrendered to the feeling as her orgasm got closer, her core coiled like a spring, her whole body wanting the sweet release of it. His thigh was grinding the vibe into her, and she was almost there.
    Abruptly, he reached down and turned it off.
    Her eyes jolted open. “I was—” and then she stopped, not wanting him to know how close she’d been. If he was that much of a fool that he didn’t know he’d almost won, she wasn’t going to

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