An Alpha's Tempest (Water Bear Shifters 4)
and she hadn’t expected him to be home from work this early. It wasn’t quite three p.m. yet.
    “Come in,” she called out, and the door handle turned. Ben stepped in, wearing his Coast Guard uniform, and, as usual, looking so handsome that he took Rhythm’s breath away. She knew staying at his place was going to be torture. Every time she saw him her heart rate accelerated, and a warm, tingling feeling filled her core. She should have avoided the whole issue by just staying with one of the other crew members who already had a wife or girlfriend. But she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be here with Ben, even if the proximity to him tended to drive her to absolute distraction.
    Ben surveyed the piles of clothes all over the bed and raised an eyebrow in Rhythm’s direction.
    “I was going to ask if you were ready to go, but from the looks of things you haven’t quite finished packing yet,” he said.
    Rhythm sighed. “Yeah, sorry. I thought we weren’t leaving until seven, though? You said you didn’t get off work until five-thirty.”
    “I got off a few hours early. Things were slow. Not a lot of storms going on, and all the fisherman seem to be keeping themselves out of trouble. They didn’t need as many rescue crews on duty as they had, so they sent me home.”
    “Oh,” Rhythm said, then glanced around at the clothes strewn across her bed. “I’m actually not packed because I can’t find anything to pack for Evan’s funeral. Nothing here seems dressy enough for a funeral. Your friends only sent me one dress, and it’s way too small. I was actually just trying to figure out a way to call them and see if one of them might have something else I could borrow in a different size.”
    Ben leaned against the doorframe. “You could do that if you want to,” he said. “But, trust me, I don’t think Evan’s family is going to care how you’re dressed. They’re so grateful for what you did for him.”
    “I know,” Rhythm said. “But I still want to feel like I’m properly dressed for the occasion. I want to properly honor Evan’s memory, you know?”
    Ben nodded. “I understand. What if we ran into town and went shopping? We have a few extra hours before we were planning to leave, anyway. And I’m sure you’d like to have a few outfits of your own.”
    Rhythm picked up a navy t-shirt that was crumpled on the bed next to her and started toying with the tag. “I’d love to have some clothes of my own, but I don’t have any way of paying for them right now. I have to wait until I get my debit and credit cards replaced so I can get access to my funds.”
    “Can’t you just go to a bank branch and withdraw some cash?” Ben asked, furrowing his brow.”
    Rhythm laughed. “I suppose I could, but the nearest bank branch for my bank is pretty far away. I got the account in California, and they don’t have any locations up here. I’ve been meaning to open an account with a local bank, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.”
    “Gotcha,” Ben said. “But it doesn’t matter. Let’s go shopping and I’ll cover the cost of whatever you want to get. It’s the least I can do for you, after you’ve so graciously agreed to help out my crew.”
    “No way,” Rhythm said. “I don’t want you to do that. I’d feel bad owing you money.”
    “You won’t owe me anything. It’s a gift to you, as a thank you for helping us out. We’re the ones who owe you. I know it’s a big deal for you to stay here instead of hightailing it back to California.”
    “I don’t know, Ben. I don’t think I can accept that. You’re already providing me with room and board.”
    “Oh, come on. Don’t be ridiculous. Grab a coat and let’s get going before we run out of time,” Ben said, and then turned on his heel and walked down the hallway toward the living room. “We’re leaving in five minutes, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
    Rhythm watched him go, chewing on her lower lip nervously.

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