An Alpha's Path

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Book: An Alpha's Path by Carrie Ann Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan
know what must be done.”
    Yes. He knew. It was a familiar and acidic concept. If there were two potential mates, she would have to choose. If she couldn’t – he would fight. Again.
    And, fuck he would fight. Kade’s wolf was already in love with her. The man was well on the way of following head over feet behind him. He and Mel shared a connection, even if she chose to deny it. The circle where he would fight for his heart called to him. He was the Heir, he would do what was right – what was just.
    “Call the circle, Jasper. Lance and I will meet at the center. The victor will hold Mel’s heart.” It would be him. His wolf whimpered and growled. It had to be him.




    Mel watched as the trees passed in a blur. That’s how her life in the past two days felt anyway. One event or person caught for a moment before falling into shadows – leaving but a memory.
    A snort escaped her. Apparently, meeting two werewolves claiming to be her mate and breaking open her world to the paranormal let her poetic juices flow. All aboard the crazy train.
    “So, where are we going? Or is the more cloak and dagger, secret society stuff?” Larissa wouldn’t tell her. Her supposed best friend merely threw her into the passenger seat of her car and drove. She didn’t even ask. Pushy witch.
    “We’re on our way to the Redwood den. It’s deep in the forest.” Well, Kade did say he lived on the outskirts of Seattle. “The Pack’s lived there for over millennia. It is deeply entrenched in Pack magic and history. So, don’t be an arrogant ass and fuck it up.” Larissa didn’t let her gaze off the road, but her tone indicated a raised brow and no nonsense. Stern witch.
    “I don’t want them to fight over me. I just want to go to work and forget all of this.” Even as she said it, pain ebbed through her. She knew she couldn’t – no, wouldn’t – forget Kade. His very essence imprinted on her soul. But was one night worth giving up everything she worked so hard for? How could one man – no, one werewolf – be enough for that? Kade’s world eluded with violence. Hell, they were on their way to watch two grown men fight for the right to claim her. How Neolithic was that?
    “I swear to all that is magic, Melanie Cross. This isn’t about your close minded human rules. This is something far greater than you – tradition. You don’t want to choose between Kade and Lance? Fine. But then they have to fight in the Pack circle. Get over it.” Apparently, Larissa crossed the threshold of being nice and understanding and entered the world of bitchiness. If Mel wasn’t so confused, she could start to really like this side of her best friend.
    “I sound like a sulky teenager, don’t I?”
    “You’re more angsty than Edward Cullen on a sunny day.”
    Their laughter filled the car, releasing the ball of nervousness that churned in her stomach during the ride. No matter what she did, there would be a fight. Resigned, Mel took a deep breath.
    A non-descript wooden arch signaled their arrival to the den. Larissa drove a bit further, nodding at the guards at the entrance. After a mile or so of dirt road, they finally stopped in front of what looked like a visitor center.
    Really? What would be in there? Please feed the wolves?
    A tall, built man opened the front door, walking toward their car. He looked slightly taller than Kade, with darker hair. But there was no mistaking the similar features and the fact he possessed the same jade eyes.
    Oh, how she missed those eyes.
    “That’s Jasper, Kade’s brother.” Larissa’s voice made her blink. Those Jamenson parents sure do breed sexy men.
    Mel shook herself, bringing her attention to the striking woman following Jasper. Long blue-black hair fell past her shoulders and blunt bangs enhanced her features. This woman was easily the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Again, her eyes

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