American Revenant (Book 3): The Monster In Man

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Book: American Revenant (Book 3): The Monster In Man by John L. Davis IV Read Free Book Online
Authors: John L. Davis IV
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
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his companions, and he gave voice to everyone’s
thoughts as they moved through the trees.  “How did they know we were there? 
Why would they come out of nowhere like that, heading straight for the house we
were in?  No way were we making any noise.  Hell nearly everyone had been
asleep, just before these pricks showed up.”
    “I don’t know, Cal. 
Maybe they smelled the blood after Jimmy…”
    “I thought they couldn’t
smell.  Dean, you and Dad said they had no sense of smell.”
    “That’s what we thought,
from that one kid we found at that house in New London.  I don’t know Cal,
maybe we were wrong.  Maybe that kid was a fluke, I just don’t know.”  Dean was
breathing heavily, not just from exertion.  A colossal heaving fear welled up
in him, that somehow he and his father had assumed incorrectly and it was now
going to get them all killed.
    Having passed through the
trees, the men spread out a couple of feet from each other as they stepped onto
the highway.  The large armory building loomed in front of them, sitting on a
low hill. 
    “Renny, get your ass up
here,” Mike said, “start telling your guys there’s a fucking horde coming this
way.  They start shooting I’m putting a bullet in your guts,” he growled.
    Renny moved quickly up
beside Jimmy, who still held the point position.  Only one guard stood outside,
on the north end of the building and Renny started shouting as soon as he
spotted them.  “Go, horde coming, giant horde coming!” He shouted, flapping his
arms forward and back, as if pushing the guard to run away.
    The guard dropped the
cigarette he was puffing on and shouldered his rifle, pointing it not at the
unknown men, but at Renny.  “Renny, that you?”
    “Yes, it’s me, damn it! 
Run, get inside, there’s a friggin’ massive horde of shufflers comin’ this way!”
    Renny stumbled as he
tried to run up the steep slope of the hill, instead of angling for the lower
area near the turnoff from the highway.  He caught himself, and pushed on up
the hill, all the while calling “Go, damn it, just go!” between heaving draughts
of air.
    The guard began to
backpedal, stumbling as his foot hit a dip in the ground.  “Who the hell are
these guys, Renny?”
    “Don’t worry about it,
let Greer handle them,” Renny said as he ran by the guard.
    Everyone made it around
to the main entrance of the building, which faced away from the highway, and
the impending horde of undead.
    Everyone gathered in the
main parking lot, moving toward the building as the door pushed open and a man
in battle fatigues stepped out, rifle up and aimed at the group.
    “Stop right there,
people.”  The man’s eyes searched the bunch, seeing three of the men he had
sent to ambush the attackers waiting in the house.  His gaze settled on Renny. 
“What the hell Renny, you were supposed to take these assholes out; instead you
bring them right back here.”
    “Listen Greer, shit went
sideways, Johnny and Dan, are…uh, they’re dead.”  Renny began to stumble over
his words, more terrified of the immediate threat of Greer’s rage, than the
zombies.  “Th-there’s n-nothing we could do man!  Uh, we have bigger problems. 
There’s a big ass bunch of the shufflers coming!”
    Greer cocked his head,
looking closely at Renny, the barrel of his rifle drifting downward and inch. 
“What do you mean, “big ass bunch” Renny?  How big?”
    “At least a hundred, most
likely much more.”
    “I didn’t ask you
shitface!  I was talking to my man here.  Who the fuck’re you?”  The rifle
jumped back up, sighting on Rick.
    Rick took a step forward,
looking Greer directly in the eyes.  “There’s a sizable herd of zombies heading
this way.  We don’t have time for your bravado bullshit.  We need to work
together to survive, and that’s all there is to it.”
    Greer took several steps
forward, now only a couple of feet from Rick.  “You don’t tell me what the fuck

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