American Revenant (Book 3): The Monster In Man

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Book: American Revenant (Book 3): The Monster In Man by John L. Davis IV Read Free Book Online
Authors: John L. Davis IV
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
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how many men
you guys have, dumbass,” Jimmy said.
    “Uh, seventeen people,
uh, men, including us, so…”
    “Eleven left over there
to fight.”
    Dean looked around the
room at his friends before asking, “How the hell are the six of us going to
fight eleven men with automatic weapons?”  
    “Hey, guys,” Alex said,
looking out the window.  He had to say it twice more before those talking over
him responded.  “We may have a bigger problem than the jackasses at the
    “What are you talking about,
Alex?” Rick asked stepping up to the window Alex was staring out of.  Alex
sidled back and just pointed.
    Rick leaned forward and
cupped his hands around his eyes, to see better in the fading daylight.  “Oh,
fuck, get your gear, now!”
    Plaintive voices asked
what was wrong.  Rick turned to face his friends.  “It’s a horde, coming
straight for the house.  We have to go!”
    “Go where Rick?  We can’t
make it to the cars,” Dean said, his voice much calmer than he was feeling at
that very moment.
    Rick looked around at his
companions, sparing a flick of his eyes to the two men on their knees and the
one passed out on the floor.  “Get him up, now, take their weapons.”  Rick
glanced out the window once more.  “We’re going to the armory.”

    Chapter 12
    “What the hell do you
mean “We’re going to the armory”?  The jackass running things over there wants
us all dead, or have you forgotten that?”
    “No, Jimmy, I haven’t
forgotten it.  But we also have no choices here.  Hopefully that “jackass” will
see that we can help each other.  Either way, we’re going.”
    “Fine, can we at least
shove these three out the front door while we make our way out the back?  They
might slow that damn horde down a little.”
    Rick glared at Jimmy for
several seconds before moving to grab his pack and weapon.
    “I thought the same
thing, Jimmy, but you know we can’t,” Mike said.  “Let’s just get the hell out
of here. Besides, having these goons might keep that Greer from shooting us on
    Jimmy nodded curtly, snatching
up his bag and heading for the back door.
    The men all stacked up on
the back door, with the three goons in the middle of the bunch.  Jimmy stood in
the lead position; hand on the doorknob, waiting for the word to go.
    “Let’s do this,” Alex
said, voice tight with dread.
    Jimmy twisted the knob,
yanked the door in, and stepped up, shotgun at the ready.  He stood there,
still and silent, listening for the slowly advancing horde.  A low rumble, like
distant thunder came from the direction of the front of the house.  Jimmy
shivered, a chill running across his skin.  “It’s clear, but we need to move.”
    “Straight across to the
armory, go quick.”
    Rick’s words were all the
encouragement the group needed to get moving.  As they passed the back of the
house several of the men, including the goons from the armory, glanced over at
the still bodies lying in the tall grass.
    Dean wondered if it had
been necessary to kill them, but quickly gave up pondering the question.  He
wasn’t sure he could have done it, though he was fully aware that they would have
killed everyone in the house if Jimmy had not taken them out first.
    Calvin ran just in front
of Rick, dividing his attention between the three hostages in front of him and
the ground passing under his feet.  He couldn’t stop thinking that he would trip,
twist his ankle, or even run head first into a tree.  His friends would have to
keep going and he would be devoured, most likely by some middle-age housewife
in pink slippers and housecoat.
    “How many were there?”
Cal huffed, stepping around a dead stump as the group made their way into a
small copse of trees that bordered the highway.
    Rick did not answer
immediately, kept moving forward, cautiously watching where he placed his
feet.  “Hundred or more, hard to tell.”
    Calvin was just as
confused as the rest of

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