Amber Alert (Amber Alert Series Book 1)

Read Online Amber Alert (Amber Alert Series Book 1) by Sara Schoen - Free Book Online

Book: Amber Alert (Amber Alert Series Book 1) by Sara Schoen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Schoen
pulled his boxers back on.
    I didn't love it. I hated it. I felt weak, used up like a piece of trash. I even felt the heated rush as my blood escaped and leaked out on to the white sheets; the sheets would be ruined like I was. I didn't want to move. Even if I could work through the pain, I had nowhere to go since the door was still locked.
    "Once you get comfortable in the home again, we can continue. That will mean staying with me down here," he said with a lustful smile and a deliberately slow lick of his lips, excited for that to happen.
    When I didn't answer, he ran his hands over my body again. Both hands were wandering in different directions. I was so tired and disgusted with myself that I couldn't even move and try to keep his hands away, but I also knew it wouldn't make a difference.
    He pulled his hand away from my legs with a grimace on his face. There was blood dripping from his hands. I hoped that would stop him. I hoped he would send me to my concrete room with no windows, let me live in seclusion and humiliation. I'm not sure why he was disgusted; it was his fault I was bleeding anyway. At least the bleeding wasn't as bad as I felt it was, but it was bleeding profusely by the look of it.
    His expression changed and he gave me a soft smile. It was as if the blood emotionally touched him. He again started to trace my body with his hands again. I felt sick as I saw a twisted smile curl onto his lips as a thought came to him. I knew instantly I wouldn't like the idea he had thought of, I didn't even want to hear it. I knew there was no way to stop him when I wasn't weak, I had no hope of fighting him off now.
    "You'll get used to it. Then it will feel good," he promised as he lightly ran his fingers down my cheek. I swallowed the puke I was about to hurl up as I heard him whisper, "Welcome home, Kelly."
    I screamed until my throat burned and didn't stop until he was finished with me.

    Chapter 7
    I woke up and felt slightly better now that the pain had subsided. Of course, every time I moved my body cried out and writhed in pain. What made it worse was that I really had to go to the bathroom and it hurt to move. I had spent so much time in the bathroom during the beginning of my capture that I liked it better than the bedroom.
    I had been locked in the room for a few days now. Steve had left me alone, he was trying to be the 'understanding and caring husband' that he claimed to be. He had Garrett bring my meals and then he'd leave right away. In fact, Garrett was the only person I interacted with after my "welcome home.” But I didn’t want to face Garrett. I was ashamed and in pain. Steve had gotten angry with me because I couldn't force myself to say that I enjoyed it. He pulled me up the stairs as I left a trail of blood and tossed me on the bed to let me cry myself to sleep.
    Garrett had taken excellent care of me during the past few days. Each time I made sure to look like I was asleep so he wouldn't ask me how I felt or try to talk to me. He brought me some of his clothes to dress in and placed food and water for me by the side of my bed each day. 
    Garrett walked in earlier than expected today. I was sitting up wide-awake and caught off guard by the sudden presence in the room. There were clothes folded neatly in his hands, and as he laid them onto the bed he handed me a paper flower. The small gesture touched my heart. I took the flower gently in my hands and watched him as he rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably.
    "Can you get up or do you need help?" he asked with worry in his eyes.
    "Not really. It hurts to move, even in my sleep.”
    "Can you move?" His voice was shaky and his bottom lip trembled slightly. His face was a mix of green and red, like he was about to throw up all over me and burst from anger.
    "I would prefer not to. It hurts, and I just don't want to move unless I have to." I repeated. Did he miss me saying it the first time he asked?
    "I'm sor-"

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