Always With You Part Two

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Book: Always With You Part Two by M. Leighton Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Leighton
away.  His hands are working at my zipper and my nipples are throbbing against his chest.  He pushes my pants and panties down my legs and I step hurriedly out of them, anxious to be back in contact with him.  With a quick yank, Cash’s own jeans are open and he’s free.  Long and hard and free.  And all mine. 
    I wind my fingers around him, stroking from wide base to silky tip in a single swipe.  One is all I can get before he pulls me roughly against him, plants his lips onto mine, and lifts me off my feet.
    In one smooth motion, Cash sets my back against the wall and drives his body up into mine.  Hard, deep, desperate.  It steals my breath, that sensation of being home, of being filled to the brim with the hardness of the man I love.
    He growls, sinking his teeth into my chin as I scrape my fingernails along his bare shoulder, urging him on.  He withdraws and then slams back up into me, going even deeper.  Flame explodes from his tip and scorches my insides, detonating behind my eyes in a fiery pulse that sets my whole world on fire.
    I cry out, unable to hold in the name that tumbles from my lips.  “Cash!”
    “Jesus!” he groans, grinding his body into mine.  Seconds after my own release, I feel the hot spurt of his, filling me with more warmth, turning my muscles to jelly.
    I sag against his chest, leaning away from the wall.  Without pulling out of me, Cash turns until he is the one leaning against the brick, still holding me, my legs still wrapped around his waist. 
    “Christ Almighty, my knees don’t want to work,” he pants, half laughing.  I laugh with him, loving that I turn his body into butter, like he does mine.
    “I love you, Mr. Davenport,” I tell him, burying my face in his neck, inhaling the scent that’s all Cash.
    “I love you more, Mrs. Davenport,” he replies breathlessly.
    “Not possible.”
    “Quite possible.”
    I smile against his skin when he kisses my shoulder, fully aware that when we are like this, nothing else in the world matters. Nothing.

    I don’t really want to set my wife down, but I know I have to. We can’t stay out here forever, no matter how much I’d like nothing else.  Her little grunt of displeasure tells me she feels the same way.
    I bend down and pick up her clothes to hand to her and turn to lean one shoulder against the wall.  “As much as I loved what just happened, I actually brought you out here to tell you something.”
    “I figured,” she says, her grin saying she doesn’t regret our…sidebar one bit.
    I watch her pull her flimsy panties up her long, toned legs and I lose my train of thought for a few seconds.  “Well?” she says, forcing my attention back to the reason I brought her out here.
    “Right, ummm, Jason King.  When I talked to him this morning, he said Sophie left the apartment last night while I was out with Isabella.  He saw her sneaking back in right before he came in.”
    Olivia frowns, pausing with her leg bent, getting ready to put it into her jeans.  “Maybe she had to run out for something.”
    “I texted her before I brought Isabella back to make sure she didn’t need anything.  She told me no, that she was fine. Said she’d been asleep and was just going to take it easy for the rest of the night.”
    “Oh,” she says flatly.  “So where do you think she went?”
    I shrug.  “Hard to say.”
    “What does Jason think?”
    “He doesn’t say much. I don’t know what he found out about her life back in Canada, or what she’s been doing since she left here.  Maybe he’s piecing it all together, but I’m sure he’ll tell me when he has something.”
    “Hopefully sooner rather than later.”
    “Hopefully.  But we know she’s lying to cover up something, which means she might be lying about more.  With Sophie it’s hard to say.”
    Olivia crosses her arms over her chest and leans up against the wall beside me.

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