Always Watching
    â€œBut you take the call anyway.”
    Her father shrugged. “She seems harmless enough and she’s hurting. Like a lot of the people who listen to the show and call in. Some people have unlisted numbers and I’m okay with that. Some numbers I recognize, and others, I never know who’s going to be on the other end of the line. That’s just part of doing a live call-in show.”
    â€œAnd her name is Valerie?”
    â€œYou have her number?”
    â€œNot memorized, but it would be in the log.”
    The detective called someone and told the person to find the number. When he hung up, he started questioning her father again.
    The woman paced to the foot of the stairs and Amy pulled back a fraction. She wasn’t quick enough. The woman’s eyes caught hers. And softened. She came closer. “Hi.”
    â€œHi.” Amy brushed her hair back and tucked a few strandsbehind her left ear. The woman had very pretty eyes. Stacy pressed up against her and Amy took comfort in her presence.
    â€œI guess you want to know what’s going on, huh?” the woman asked, her gaze bouncing from Amy to Stacy, then back to Amy.
    â€œYeah.” She shifted from one foot to the other, wondering if she was going to be in trouble.
    â€œI’m Olivia.”
    First names? Cool. “This is Stacy and I’m Amy. We’re twelve, but I’m going to be thirteen next Saturday. I’m planning to have a really cool party. My dad’s letting me invite ten people to spend the day on the boat and the lake, then me and Stacy are going to spend the night in our special place.”
    Olivia nodded. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Amy. It’s nice to finally talk to you a bit. And your party sounds absolutely perfect. I think you’ll have a wonderful time.” She smiled and Amy thought she saw a dimple in her left cheek. It made her seem more approachable and nice.
    â€œIt’s very nice to meet you,” Stacy said.
    â€œYou too, Stacy.”
    Amy glanced over Olivia’s shoulder to see her father shooting her a frown even while he was still talking to the other man. A police detective, if the badge and gun on his belt told her anything. He wasn’t dressed in a uniform, but had on black pants and a gray button-down polo shirt. He was good-looking in spite of being old like her father. She looked back at Olivia. “Interesting. Because I haven’t heard a thing about you. Who are you?”
    â€œShe works for me.” Amy turned to see her grandfather standing behind her. His deep scowl pulled his salt-and-pepper eyebrows low so they practically met at the bridge of his nose.
    â€œDoing what, Pops?” Amy crossed her arms and met him glare for stare. Her grandfather might scare some people todeath with his intimidating laser-beam look, but she knew she had him wrapped. He was the one person who could make the panic attacks go away with a simple touch or a hug.
    â€œMaking sure your dad stays safe.”
    â€œAnd why didn’t I know he wasn’t safe?”
    â€œIt wasn’t something you needed to worry about.”
    Amy’s shoulders slumped. Everyone was always concerned about her anxiety issues. She was so tired of being afraid and anxious, but was even more tired of everyone’s need to protect her from everything . She straightened her shoulders and planted her hands on her hips. “You could have told me.”
    â€œWould it help anything to know?”
    The cute detective came over before Pops could answer. Which was probably a good thing. “Dr. Savage has given us permission to speak to his daughter.”
    â€œAbout what?” Her grandfather stood straight and threw his shoulders back, turning his glare from Amy to the officer. Pops was only fifty-four years old and most people thought he had military training. He didn’t, but his father had been in the

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