Always My Girl (The Shaughnessy Brothers)

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Book: Always My Girl (The Shaughnessy Brothers) by Samantha Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Chase
paused. “And she was. I’m a firm believer that things happen for a reason, and knowing what I know now about Zoe, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that our mom chose her specifically for Aidan and sent her our way.”
    There was the familiar pang in his heart at thinking of his mom. When he looked over at his brother and his brother’s bride, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit envious. Maybe someday he’d have what they did. But not right now. He wasn’t looking for the whole love, marriage, and all that went with it. There were still so many things Quinn wanted to accomplish with his life and his business, and he didn’t want a serious relationship getting in his way.
    It was why he had to stop thinking about what Riley had said last night. Anna was his friend and that was the way it should be. Quinn knew he needed Anna to keep his life on an even keel. It wasn’t worth losing their friendship—no matter how attractive he suddenly found her or what his family thought about her feelings for him.
    The room was fairly silent, and that’s when he realized he needed to finish his toast.
    Zoe was resting her head on Aidan’s shoulder, tears glistening in her eyes. “I wish the two of you a lifetime of happiness.” He raised his glass and everyone joined in. Quinn took a long drink of his champagne before setting it back down.
    Music started up again and after several songs, he found himself paired back up with Anna. Funny how it kept happening.
    “What happened to you up there?” she asked.
    “During your toast. You sort of zoned out for a minute.”
    Crap. He wondered if anyone else had noticed. It would be easy to pretend he didn’t know what she was talking about, but knowing Anna, she would call bullshit on it. Might as well be honest. Or…almost honest.
    “I was thinking about the sudden change in my family.”
    “What? You mean with Aidan and Hugh both married? And having more women as part of your family?”
    He nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I get it with Aidan. He’s the homebody type. If ever there was a guy who was the poster child for marriage and kids and the white picket fence, it’s him. But Hugh? That one still stumps me.”
    “He travels all over the world. He was a major player. He had all kinds of beautiful women at his beck and call. The fact that he chose to settle down with just one? It just boggles my mind.”
    She stiffened in his arms. “Jeez…what in the world, Quinn?”
    “What? What did I say?”
    “You’re a pig, you realize that, right?”
    “Me? Why am I a pig?”
    “Did it ever occur to you that not everyone wants to just sleep around? That maybe the thought of random hookups isn’t appealing?”
    “No, actually, it didn’t.” He smirked.
    She made a sound of disgust and almost pulled out of his embrace.
    “Anna,” he said with just a hint of a whine as he pulled her back in close, “you know me. I never saw the appeal of marriage and kids and mortgages and all that crap. Especially when there are so many options out there.”
    For a minute, all she could do was stare at him. “So you subscribe to the theory of plenty of fish in the sea, life is like a smorgasbord, blah, blah, blah. Is that what you’re saying?”
    He nodded. “Sure am. How can you possibly know you’ve picked the right person to settle down with when there are so many to choose from? I just don’t think Hugh should have given up so quickly.”
    “He didn’t give up, you moron! He fell in love! People do it all the time, you know!” She was clearly pissed off and was pulling away again. Quinn knew he needed to calm her down before she started talking any louder and drew attention to them.
    He tugged her in close. “Okay, okay, calm down. No need to get all huffy.”
    “Huffy!” she cried. “What is wrong with you? You can’t possibly stand here and tell me you don’t see how Hugh and Aubrey are completely in love. You just can’t!”
    “Sure…for now.

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