Always Be Mine~

Read Online Always Be Mine~ by G.V. Steitz - Free Book Online

Book: Always Be Mine~ by G.V. Steitz Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.V. Steitz
palms of his hands back down my body to my hips again. This time as he moves them back up my body, he moves them up into my sweater, so his hands are on my skin. Slowly his hands trail up the sides of my body, making me squirm more into his body beneath me. As he reaches the bottom of my breasts, he slowly grazes the pads of his thumbs gently over my hard nipples piercing through the white lacey bra I have on.
    Our mouths, neither able to stop kissing one another, finally breaks. Matthew leans his forehead into mine. Both of us panting, trying to calm our breathing down.
    “ Emma, if we don’t stop right now, I won’t be able to very soon. I want you too much sweetheart. Please. Tell me what you want.” He says as he brings his hands back down to rest on my hips at first and then runs his hands to cup the bottom of my ass with both hands.
    “ I… don’t want you to stop Matthew, but…” I stop. Not sure how to explain this.
    “ But what baby. You can tell me what you are feeling. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But please, Emma, you have to tell me.” He says back to me, giving me a quick peak on my lips.
    So now my mind is going in full crazy mode. I just say the first thing I can think of. “I don’t have any condoms here.”
    Thinking that will help me change my bodies cravings to keep continuing on this path of lust.
    “So we will stop.” Matthew says as he kisses my forehead.
    I look back up into his eyes. His eyes already there, were waiting for me to look into his. “I don’t carry them with me Emma. I’m sorry. It’s been about six months with I was with a woman, and I have had my exam since then so I know I am clean. But I didn’t expect this to happen, as much as I want this to happen, I don’t expect things like this to just happen.
    I carefully look into his eyes. “I’m on the pill.” I say in return. That response makes me feel his hard cock twitch underneath my parted legs that are grinded into his groin, making me chuckle. He knows my little soft chuckle is from what I felt. He arches his one eye brow. I shrug. “I take them to regulate my cycle. I have pretty irregular periods. I have been on them since I was eighteen.” I explain. I have the palm of my hands resting on either side of his chest as we talk softly to each other about this. His eyes, glaring, very intensely on mine as he listens to what I say to him.
    “ And how old are you now?” He asks.
    “ 25.” I tell him.
    His eyes move from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes again. “And my age doesn’t both you? I mean we are fifteen years apart in age. Doesn’t that concern you?” He asks. I can’t gage if that bothers him more than I would think it would or not. I shake my head.
    “ No, it’s just a number Matthew. My parents were 22 years difference in age. I’m sorry if it worries or concerns you.” I say as I try to move off of his hard body, trying to make my modest escape.
    Matthew keeps his hands securely around me, holding me against his body with his hands still cupped under my ass.
    I look back over to him, looking to see why he won’t let me go.
    “ It doesn’t bother me in the least baby. But I want to make sure you are ok with it. I knew you were at least ten years younger, but I wasn’t sure. I don’t want to stop what is going on between us. But it’s your call completely.” He explains. Watching me, waiting for me to tell him either way.
    I look down to his lips, back up to his eyes, and I move the palms of my hands up to each of his shoulders and up his neck, as I cup his head with my thumbs on either side of jaw, my fingers wrapped around behind the nape of his neck and up through his hair in the back of his head. I lean back into him. I run my tongue across the bottom of his lip and he parts his mouth open to let me in. We begin to start again. , deepening our kisses, our moans becoming more intense. I know I have just given him permission with the go ahead with what

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