Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)

Read Online Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles) by Brenda Sparks - Free Book Online

Book: Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles) by Brenda Sparks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Sparks
Tags: Suspense, Contemporary, Paranormal
all by myself.”
    “Make no mistake, my dear, I will be over-protective of you every minute until our baby is born healthy.”
    As she dressed in a little black number with a rhinestone belt, she looked at her profile in the ornately carved full-length mirror which stood in the corner of their bedroom. Soon her belly would no longer be flat, but swollen with their child. She could sense her child’s presence within her, knew it was strong for now.
    Unfortunately, vampire pregnancies were a difficult thing. Miscarriages were common. If the baby carried to term, sometimes both the baby and mother died in childbirth. This baby was a miracle and a curse at the same time. She protectively covered her stomach with both hands. She would do whatever it took to see this child born, even if it meant giving up her life.
    Their eyes met in the mirror.
    You won’t have to give up your life. Gage’s voice sounded heavy with emotion in her mind. I’ll protect you and our baby fiercely! I promise you, my love, we’ll have our miracle .
    He crossed the room, coming behind his mate and encircled her in his arms. She settled back against him with a sigh. I know you will keep us safe. I have complete faith in you.
    Katrina joined Marcus and Stephan on the terrace. It overlooked the strip, giving the trio a beautiful view of the neon forest before them. They watched the cars crawl by, the brake lights blinking like lights on a Christmas tree. The city was alive, the pulse of the strip keeping time with the blinking lights.
    Stephan took a drink of his actual Bloody Mary and admired the view, but not the city. He only had eyes for Kat this evening. The short, black miniskirt she wore made of glossy vinyl that reflected the neon from the strip created a psychedelic pattern of swirls and lines as her hips swished back and forth when she meandered around the terrace. A red silk shirt and black stiletto heels completed her ensemble and sent need slamming hard into Stephan. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, which he hoped was most likely the reaction she had hoped to elicit from him.
    Marcus voiced what Stephan did not. “Wow Kat, you look amazing!” Marcus swept her into his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. A growl of warning escaped from Stephan’s throat.
    Back off Marcus, she’s mine. He sent his mental warning directly through their mindlink, immediately wishing he had censored it.
    She’s mine? Where had that come from? She wasn’t his. They hadn’t even gone out on a date. Sure they had been living together for weeks, but that didn’t count. Staying in separate rooms, they were nothing more than roommates, but the way he felt tonight made Stephan determined to change that. Those two little words, she’s mine, changed everything. His brain finally registered what his body had been trying to tell him since the first night they met, he wanted her. He wanted her near, wanted to be inside of her body and mind. Standing on the terrace, he knew he had to have her.
    And he would.
    The kind of male used to having what he wanted, he didn’t let anyone or anything get in his way. Being a warrior, he knew how to fight for what he desired. The only problem was he couldn’t fight to have Kat; he would have to win her, and tonight was as good a night to start as any.
    “If you two will excuse me, I need to make a phone call.” Marcus slipped silently off the balcony leaving the couple alone, closing the sliding glass door with a snick behind him.
    “Marcus is correct, you do look wonderful.” Stephan stepped closer to Katrina and tucked a stray golden curl behind her ear. He felt her shiver under his touch.
    “Thank you.” Kat smiled up at him. “You look pretty good yourself.”
    Stephan swept his long arm down his smoke gray dress shirt and matching designer slacks. “Thank you. I’m glad you like what you see.”
    “Very much!” She murmured low as if she hoped he wouldn’t hear. Of course with his

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