
Read Online Alone by T. R. Sullivan - Free Book Online

Book: Alone by T. R. Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. R. Sullivan
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and dust filled the air. It drifted into the truck and Ralph sneezed. The sudden noise caused Jason to jump and he looked sheepishly at Ralph. “Sorry buddy.” Ralph said.
    The drive made a lazy “S” curve and the trees fell away. There before him was a modern ranch house. He stopped the truck and got out. Dust swirled around him and settled on his clothes. His greasy hair was quickly coated and he slapped at his shirt hoping to dislodge any dust that had landed there. Sponge baths were just not keeping him clean. He decided that when he got back home, he was going to find a swimming pool and take a bath. The weather was warm and hopefully any pool would have had a chance to heat up during the day. Even if it wasn’t warm, he had to get the dirt off of him.
    He looked around at the small house as the dust settled. A large windmill turned in the distance. He could hear it creaking from here. Numerous cattle and horses were trotting toward the house from the outlying fields. Several chickens pecked across the yard. Jason bounded out of the truck, took one look at the chickens which had stopped pecking and stood watching him. With a loud bark he took off to investigate. With tremendous squawks, the chickens scattered. This brought another cloud of dust into the air and Ralph sneezed again. The chickens next to him had squawked and flapped as Jason went by and then huddled around Ralph’s ankles as Jason had ran around the barn. When Ralph sneezed, they again took fright and went squawking and flapping across the yard. This noise in turn brought Jason back around the barn. He saw the noisy, bunch of flapping birds and again gave chase. The dust rose into the air.
    “Good grief” he said as he was once again covered in dust. Walking away from the chickens and dog, Ralph looked around. There was an attached two car garage on the single story home. Both bays were empty, the doors raised. The green wood siding blended nicely into the surroundings. A few flowers grew against the house and a small apple tree grew near the corner.
    A small barn sat to the right of the house and it was there that the horses and cattle were heading. He reached inside the truck and brought out the riot gun. Ralph walked over to the barn and went inside. Several feed troughs lined the outside wall of the barn and the animals were standing patiently by them. Ralph found some oats and grain and gave to the horses and gave the cattle some fresh hay. He threw several hands full of grain into the yard and the chickens immediately converged. Jason had tired of chasing them and he trotted over to the barn. He ran to the back of the barn and began slurping from the water troughs. They were full of clean water. There were various farming implements hanging on one wall and a small tractor was parked just inside the door. Ralph opened the rear doors and stepped into the field. A couple of the horses sniffed at him and then turned back to the oats. The water troughs had a small pipe leading to them and from this pipe trickled a small amount of water. The water filled the troughs and then spilled into a small stream that lead away from the barn. It ended in a little wallow that the animals had been using. He heard the rhythmic creaking from the windmill and decided to take a look. Jason raced up the hill ahead of him. The windmill was perched at the top of a small hill behind the house. The hill was about fifty feet tall and the windmill stood on a flat at the top. The windmill was running a pump that was bringing water from a well. Not a lot, just enough to keep the water troughs topped off. From here he looked back to the house and saw a large tank at the rear of the house.
    “I’ll just bet that that is a water tank.” he said to himself.
    He continued looking around and saw a small creek running across the hill. It was behind the rear fence about 100 yards from the windmill. Ralph walked over, climbed the fence and examined the creek. It was full of clear

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