All the Weyrs of Pern

Read Online All the Weyrs of Pern by Anne McCaffrey - Free Book Online

Book: All the Weyrs of Pern by Anne McCaffrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne McCaffrey
Tags: Fiction
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into the small room. It was hot and stuffy, with stools crammed so closely together that she wondered how Jancis, Piemur, Terry, and another smith she didn’t recognize could draw at all. Fandarel was hovering over them while N’ton leaned indolently against the far wall. Then she saw the screen and its display of unfamiliar objects as clearly defined as if the actual item had somehow gotten inside this Aivas and been magnified.
    “Now, once the connections with the F-322RH have been made”—the rich, beautifully modulated voice made Menolly gasp in surprise; she glanced around and caught Sebell’s grin at her reaction as she tried to locate the source of the voice—“the circuit will be completed. Add this board to those already installed and come back to me for the next step.”
    Obediently the four left, talking to one another in low tones. N’ton came forward then, and Fandarel cleared his throat.
    “We three—Weyrleader N’ton; I, Craftmaster Fandarel; and Masterharper Sebell—request that you add Master Menolly of the Harper Hall to the roster.”
    “Will Master Menolly please speak so that a voiceprint may be taken?”
    “A voiceprint?” Menolly asked, astonished.
    “Yes, a human’s voice is a more effective means of identification than physical appearance, which could be duplicated. Your voiceprint cannot. Therefore, it is necessary for you to speak so that a voiceprint ID can be registered to the roster file.”
    Menolly, rendered uncharacteristically speechless by the unusual request and the glorious voice, looked helplessly at Sebell. He flicked his fingers encouragingly, grinning cheerfully while N’ton mouthed words at her.
    “I’m Menolly, once of Half Circle Sea Hold, and I’m better at singing than speaking,” she said, stammering slightly in her confusion. Then she fretted that she was letting a stammer be registered.
    Master Fandarel made a tumbling gesture with his hands, which she took to mean that she should continue talking.
    “My rank is Master in the Harper Hall. I compose music and write lyrics. Master Sebell, here, is my mate, and we have three children. Have you heard enough?”
    “That is sufficient for a voice with such a distinctive timbre,” Aivas said. “Are copies of the music you write available? For the main files?”
    “You want my music?” Menolly exclaimed in surprise.
    “Music was very important to your ancestors.”
    “You have some of their music?” She could barely contain her excitement.
    “There is an extensive file of music, spanning over two thousand years.”
    “But you’re only one voice?”
    There was a significant pause. “It would be inappropriate to use more than one in conversational mode. This system is, however, adapted to reproduce music in its varied instrumental forms.”
    “It is?” Menolly was aware of Sebell’s chuckle and N’ton’s grin.
    “We’ll get our turn, lovey,” Sebell said softly. “I promise you that. Master Robinton is as eager as we are, but there are more urgent priorities.”
    Menolly gulped back disappointment and looked helplessly at Sebell.
    “I must leave now,” Fandarel said. “We are going to see how to reconstruct that power station, Aivas, and dragonriders have gone to bring my nickel-cadmium batteries, as you call them.”
    “Does Master Facenden understand how to connect them to the auxiliary power points shown to him?” Aivas asked.
    “Yes, I made certain of his comprehension. He will also construct a cage to keep the unwary from touching the fluid or the wires. Come, N’ton, if you’d be so good as to assign dragonriders to take us up the river to the dam site.” Fandarel wheeled about and strode down the corridor, N’ton beside him. Both ignored attempts by those waiting in the hall to stop and quiz them. Sebell gestured for Menolly to take one of the stools before he called Lords Oterel, Sigomal, Toronas, and Warbret to enter. Oterel pushed his way in first, wearing a triumphant

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