All the Presidents' Bankers

Read Online All the Presidents' Bankers by Nomi Prins - Free Book Online

Book: All the Presidents' Bankers by Nomi Prins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nomi Prins
Praise for
    “The relationship between Washington and Wall Street isn’t really a revolving door. It’s a merry-go-round. And, as Prins shows, the merriest of all are the bankers and financiers that get rich off the relationship, using their public offices and access to build private wealth and power. Disturbing and important.” —Robert B. Reich, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley
    “Nomi Prins follows the money. She used to work on Wall Street, and now she has written a seminal history of America’s bankers and their symbiotic relationship with all the presidents from Teddy Roosevelt through Barack Obama. It is an astonishing tale. All the Presidents’ Bankers relies on the presidential archives to reveal how power works in this American democracy. Prins writes in the tradition of C. Wright Mills, Richard Rovere, and William Greider. Her book is a stunning contribution to the history of the American Establishment.” —Kai Bird, Pulitzer Prize–winning biographer and author of The Good Spy: The Life and Death of Robert Ames
    “Nomi Prins takes us on a brisk, panoramic, and eye-opening tour of more than a century’s interplay between America’s government and its major banks—exposing the remarkable dominance of six major banks, and for most of the period, the same families, over US financial policy.” —Charles R. Morris, author of The Trillion-Dollar Meltdown
    “Nomi Prins has written a big book you just wish was bigger: page after page of killer stories of bank robbers who’ve owned the banks—and owned the White House. Prins is a born storyteller. She turns the history of the moneyed class into a breathless, page-turning romance—the tawdry affairs of bankers and the presidents who love them. It’s brilliant inside stuff on unforgettable, and unforgivable, scoundrels.” —Greg Palast, investigative reporter for BBC Television and author of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits
    “In this riveting, definitive history, Nomi Prins reveals how US policy has been largely dominated by a circle of the same banking and political dynasties. For more than a century, presidents often acquiesced or participated as bankers subverted democracy, neglected the public interest, and stole power from the American people.” —Paul Craig Roberts, former Wall Street Journal editor and assistant secretary of the US Treasury
    “Nomi Prins has done it again—this time with a must-read, a gripping, historical story on the first corporate staters—the handful of powerful bankers and their decisive influence over the White House and the Treasury Department from the inside and from the outside to the detriment of the people. All the Presidents’ Bankers speaks to the raw truth today of what Louis D. Brandeis said a hundred years ago: ‘We must break the Money Trust or the Money Trust will break us.’” —Ralph Nader
    “Money has been the common denominator in American politics for the last 115 years, as Nomi Prins admirably points out. All the Presidents’ Bankers is an excellent survey of how money influences power and comes dangerously close to threatening democracy.” —Charles Geisst, author of Wall Street: A History
    “All the Presidents’ Bankers is gracefully written, carefully researched, and accessible. It is a must-read for anyone concerned with politics and economics—in other words, just about everybody.” —Thomas Ferguson, professor of political science, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and senior fellow, Roosevelt Institute
    “From Taft to Obama, Nomi Prins gives the low-down on the cozy ties between bankers and presidents in America. And although the state has become more powerful and the bankers less necessary, things have gotten worse, not better, over the century she describes.” —James Galbraith, professor, The University of Texas at Austin, and author of The Predator State


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