All That Drama

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Book: All That Drama by Tina Brooks McKinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Brooks McKinney
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keeping an ear out, haven’t you? Mom and Dad moved to Atlanta and I got the house. I’m looking to buy it but they are not cooperating,” I said, clearly pleased that he was keeping tabs on me.
    “What do you mean, not cooperating?” he asked.
    “They don’t want to sell it to just me. They only want to sell it to me and my ex and that ain’t gonna happen,” I said.
    I gathered the kids’ things and started to head toward home. “Sherry, I will be back for Keira in a minute. Just let me carry this stuff home,” I said.
    “No problem. I’m glad you could make it,” she said, winking at me. So much for David and I being discreet, I thought.
    “I’ll carry her,” David said, swooping her up in his arms and following me down the alley to my house.
    “Get your hands off my daughter!” Keith said, jumping up from the table and knocking over his drink. He was drunk and stumbling as he lunged for Keira. I stepped between them and grabbed Keira. “Go away, Keith. I got this,” I said. Confused, Kevin dropped my hand and grabbed David’s. David looked down at him and smiled.
    Keith noticed this but was slow on the uptake. He turned around totally disoriented. “Come here,” he said to Kevin in a fierce tone. Kevin started crying, tightening his grip on David’s hand.
    “Look, Keith, it’s late; we are all tired. They will see you later but right now, we are going home,” I announced. Kevin did not respond well to yelling and I could understand his tears when his father started acting the ass again. I was fighting to keep my voice low but my tolerance level for Keith was non-existent. I spun around and started for the house with David following close behind me. At that moment I knew there would not be another chance for me to be alone with David but I was grateful for the time we had. It had been so long since I had felt desired by anyone of the male species or since I had desired a man, for that matter. David had done wonders for my self-esteem in the short time we were together. Surprisingly, Keith did not follow in protest.
    David paused at the back gate not sure how to proceed. I switched hips since Keira was entirely too heavy to carry. I looked into David’s deep brown eyes.
    “I want to see you again,” he said softly so that the children could not hear.
    “Me, too,” I said and opened the gate to our yard. Keith was still standing in the alley glaring at us. I told David goodnight and went into the house. I undressed the kids and put them down to bed. I, on the other hand, was too restless to sleep. I drew a hot bath to soak. I could still hear the music from the party and could even imagine hearing David’s sexy voice. I climbed out of the tub all shriveled and cold. The cool water helped to soothe my hot flesh but did nothing for my heightened libido.
    Switching on the ceiling fan, I pulled on a plain Jane nightgown and turned back the covers on my bed. As I was climbing into the bed, I heard a knock on the door. It wasn’t the nigger knock of the police; rather it was the knock of someone that did not want to draw attention to themselves.
    I thought it was Keith as I hurried down the steps to stop him from waking the kids. In his drunken state, I was not up for a confrontation with him.
    “Who is it?” I demanded, still trying to keep quiet but maintain some authority in my voice. My agenda for the night was to climb into the bed and dream about David, and the visitor was an unwanted distraction.
    “It’s me. Could you please open the door?” I peeped through the curtain and saw David’s broad frame on the porch. It was then that I realized that the music from the party had stopped. I had been playing the same song in my head since our dance and did not recognize that the party was over. I unlocked the door and cracked it open.
    “What’s wrong?” I said, checking his body for blood. I thought he might have gotten into a fight with Keith and was here to tell me that he had whipped

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