All or Nothing

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Book: All or Nothing by Deborah Cooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Cooke
Tags: Contemporary Romance
chapter of his life was done.
    â€œHey, Snake-Eyes, what’s going on?” Zach asked the question rhetorically, in a friendly tone even though he wasn’t particularly interested in the answer. Nothing was ever going on with Snake-Eyes: he was either high or working on getting high.
    Zach supposed that kept life simple.
    â€œNot much, not much. Hey Zach, you got any stuff?”
    Zach glanced at his companion. “Stuff?”
    â€œYeah, you know. Some weed. You always have weed, man, and I could use some.”
    Zach shook his head. “I don’t do that anymore, Snake-Eyes.” He expected Snake-Eyes to leave it be, because it was pretty easy to lay hands on weed in a university town, but he’d called it wrong.
    â€œI don’t care whether you do it anymore, man.” Snake-Eyes’ voice rose slightly, one of the first times Zach had ever heard him irritated. “I asked whether you had any.”
    Zach shook his head again. “No. I don’t do it and I don’t sell it either. That’s over.”
    â€œNo, really. I’ve quit.” Once again, Zach made to walk away.
    Snake-Eyes grabbed him by the shoulder, his fingers digging in like claws.
    â€œHey, cut that out.” Zach did his best Bugs Buggy imitation, brushing off his shirt with exaggerated gestures. “You’ll wrinkle the material.”
    Snake-Eyes didn’t back off. “You mean you’re not selling any to me, that’s what you mean. What’s the matter? My money’s not green enough for you?”
    Zach spoke firmly, intending to be understood. “No, that’s not what I mean, Snake-Eyes. I don’t sell anymore. It’s been almost a year. I don’t have any weed. I’m done with it. Ask anybody.”
    â€œI’m not asking anybody. I’m asking you .” Snake-Eyes punctuated the last word by jabbing his finger into Zach’s chest.
    â€œHey! I’m being straight with you.”
    Snake-Eyes laughed. “You’ve never been straight with nobody.” He leaned closer, his eyes gleaming. “I want some stuff and I want some of yours. You can sell it to me or I can take it.”
    Zach took a step backward, not liking the tone of this conversation. The alley was empty, just his luck. “Snake-Eyes, you know that if I had any, I’d sell it to you.”
    Hell, if he’d had any weed right now, he would have given it to Snake-Eyes.
    â€œI don’t know that,” Snake-Eyes argued. “In fact, I’m thinking that you’re holding out on me. I’m thinking that you’re saving your stash for a better customer...”
    â€œYou were always a good customer, Snake-Eyes, one of my best, but...”
    â€œSo, how come you’re holding out on me?”
    â€œI’m not!”
    Zach had no chance to argue because Snake-Eyes decked him. His punch caught Zach right in the eye and was harder than Zach could have expected.
    The world spun and Zach lost his footing.
    â€œHey!” He staggered backward. When he raised his hand to his eye, it came away with blood. “What the hell did you do that for?”
    Snake-Eyes put out his hand. “Gimme some stuff, man.”
    â€œI don’t have any. I swear it to you.”
    Zach’s pledge didn’t persuade Snake-Eyes.
    Instead of answering, the other guy punched Zach in the gut and while Zach was doubled over—giving serious consideration to the possibility of ralphing that burger on the pavement—Snake-Eyes went through his pockets.
    Then Snake-Eyes stepped away with disgust. “You don’t have any stuff! What’s up with that?”
    Zach coughed and spit on the pavement. He straightened with an effort and regarded the other man warily. “Just like I told you. I don’t do that anymore. You’ve got to work on your trust, Snake-Eyes.”
    The other man just swore and shook his

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