Alistair (Golden Streak Series)

Read Online Alistair (Golden Streak Series) by Kathi S. Barton - Free Book Online

Book: Alistair (Golden Streak Series) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
at his desk, staring at the computer, and she saw Mrs. Golden approach them in
a shop that sold bath soaps. When she let her go, Ally felt dizzy, and she
could only stare at Bronwyn.
    “Are those real?” Bronwyn nodded. “He’s
here then, isn’t he? Lance is in this state looking for me right now?”
    “Yes. He arrived yesterday afternoon.” Ally
waited for her to tell her that things were going to be taken care of, but she
didn’t say anything like that. All she said was he would be really stupid if he
tried anything while they were shopping.
    She got out of the car with her and they
moved into the mall. She was almost afraid to go in because she was afraid he’d
be there.
    Bronwyn put her arm around her and
whispered, “If he were here, I’d tell you, but he’s not. Let him go for now.
There’s not a fucking thing he can do to you here. Not while any of us are with
you. You’re as safe as you’ll ever be, trust me.”
    Ally looked at her. “I’m trying to trust,
but it’s a little overwhelming. What if he—”
    “You could ‘what if’ until hell freezes
over, but it won’t mean shit when it comes down to it. He’s not here. You have
an endless credit card and more shops in this mall than any other in the world.
We’re going to have fun.”

    Chapter 5
    Ryland watched Alistair. He would stare
off into space for a few minutes, then back at him like he had no idea what
they’d been talking about. The first few minutes of teasing him had been fun,
but now he was just worried. When he looked at him again, Ryland told him what
he was doing.
    “You miss her.” Alistair nodded. “It’s
not easy when you’re first together. It’s like you can’t get enough of each
other. And the need to touch is overwhelming.”
    “Christ, it’s like if I’m not touching her,
I’m going to go crazy. And then touching leads to wanting her. Then sex. She’d
never come before me.” Ryland had to bite the inside of him mouth when Alistair
turned as red as a beet. “I didn’t mean to say that. But I can’t help but feel
like a million bucks when I think of it.”
    He didn’t say anything. Not that he was
sure what he would say because he knew what it was like to have a mate that
loved sex as much as he did. Ryland was trying to think of something clever and
witty to say when Alistair’s phone rang. Alistair picked it up and barely said
his name when he looked at him with a look of fear. Something had happened. Ryland
reached for his mate, but she was blocking him. He was ready to go find her
when Alistair spoke.
    “We’ll be right there.” His voice was
calm, but Ryland could feel his terror. “Yes, you’re right. Yes, Ryland is
right here with me. I’ll…yes, I’ll bring him, too.” When he hung up, Ryland was
ready to strangle him.
    “There’s been a shooting at the mall,”
Alistair said. “Bronwyn said that they were shopping and someone came in with a
gun and started mowing people down. Mom and Ally are fine, as is Bronwyn.” Ryland
didn’t respond, knowing that there was more. “He just opened fire on the store
that they were in, and Bronwyn said that he was looking for Ally. He was
looking to kill my Ally.”
    Ryland was afraid, too. This had gone
beyond a simple ex-husband trying to get his wife to come back to him to
outright murder. He guided his brother out to his car and even buckled him in.
As they drove to the mall, he reached out to Bronwyn.
    “We’re all fine. I swear to you we’re
all fine.” He felt his body relax just hearing her voice. “He killed nine people, including
a small child. He wanted Ally, but he couldn’t find her. I couldn’t protect
them all.”
    “I know, love. You protected what you
could, I have no doubt. What do you know about him? Anything? Is he dead?”
    “Yes, dead. I didn’t mean to kill him,
but he just wouldn’t stop coming. It was as if he was on something or someone
was controlling him.” He didn’t want to believe it, but

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