Alien Romance: Hunter: Space Commander's Fated Mate (Space Beasts Book 3)

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Book: Alien Romance: Hunter: Space Commander's Fated Mate (Space Beasts Book 3) by Alyssa Ezra Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Ezra
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hadn’t expected it to hit her as hard as it did, but it did. Juliet laughed humourlessly. “What, and you agreed? Do you even like her?”
    “Does it matter?” Zalgar asked, “I bought us time , Juliet. I bought you safety. I can deal with Samara on my own. You’ll be gone anyways.” He sounded so logical about it all, almost cold. Juliet wondered why she felt any different.
    He was right. She couldn’t stay here. She was leaving, going back home. Somehow, during their love-making and fucking, she’d forgotten the part where that meant having to say goodbye to the man that kept saving her over and over again, who had patience and made her laugh and smile.
    Fresh tears came to her eyes, and this time, she couldn’t hold them back. Juliet had only ever cried in front of two people in her entire life, always seeming so emotionless to people back home. And yet here she was. Zalgar seemed calm through it all, his hand slowly reaching for her knife. “Juliet… Please,” he instructed, “Put down the knife.”
    She did as she was told. Zalgar didn’t take no for an answer, and he could tell her to do anything at this point. Jahan was right. She was weak, and she had no idea what she was doing, where she was going, or what kind of mess she was really in. The knife fell to the ground, and in that moment, Zalgar scooped her up into his arms, holding her against him tightly.
    Juliet cried into his shoulder, body wracked and shaking with the sobs that she now let go freely. She didn’t know what she was crying over anymore, a combination of her own self-pity, Jahan’s attack, and the fact that she was going to have to say goodbye to Zalgar soon.

    Chapter Seven
    Zalgar hadn’t been joking when he said the trip to the city was long. Juliet wasn’t too far off with following the stream, though they needed to be on the other side of it. The smooth, orange rocks were slippery on her bare feet, but Juliet managed. Zalgar was patient with her the entire time, cursing himself for not packing the night before so that they would have been ready, even with Jahan’s ambush and Samara’s visit.
    They didn’t talk about Jahan or Samara again. The marriage proposal could send Juliet into an emotional fit, just as talking about Jahan and what he had done, and almost done to her, could send Zalgar into his own emotional fit. Even touching one another, acknowledging what they had done the night before, seemed awkward. But it was Zalgar that finally breached it.
    “How are your feet?” he asked, concerned.
    Juliet looked down at them, minding the small pebbles and sticks as they made their way through the forest. They hurt, and she feared that the cuts might get infected, what with all the dirt getting into them. More than once, she’d wondered if she would even be able to fight off that kind of infection, it being from extraterrestrial bacteria.
    “I’m fine,” she lied, simply because there was nothing that they could do about the pain that she was in, nor did they have any bandages. All they had for medicine was the ointment for her burns, which were only just starting to irritate her. “How much longer do we have?”
    “Too long for you to be lying about your wounds.”
    She silently cursed him. How the hell can he tell ? “Zalgar-”
    He interrupted her with a kiss to her lips. Juliet was irritated momentarily at the fact that he was trying to shut up her poor excuses, but quickly melted into him. She realized soon enough that he was distracting her, picking her up and taking the pressure of her weight off of her feet.
    When she felt him back her into a tree, Juliet turned her head away, sighing as he kissed a trail down the curve of her neck and focusing where he’d left a hickey. “You can’t carry me the whole way,” she breathed.
    “You doubt my

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