Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3)

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Book: Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3) by Bertina Mars Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bertina Mars
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village and went back into the cabin to retrieve his rucksack. 
    Maya got to her feet and said nothing.  He was right of course, but she didn’t relish the idea of leaving Tia and the others behind, or Vron for that matter, if and when the time came.  But that was fate for you.
    * * *
    When Vron said it was going to be a long journey, he wasn’t kidding.  They plunged deep into the jungle, moving on foot across miles of uneven terrain.  Living off fruit and bathing in pools and springs, Vron also taught her bush craft and showed her what bark to chew to keep her teeth clean.
    It was extremely gruelling and Maya hadn’t undergone such an enduring process since her training for the Space Marine Corp.  At night when they stopped to rest she fell instantly asleep in the special netted sleeping bags that kept out the night insects, and was awake at first light. 
    The exhausting regime meant that she and Vron barely spoke to each other, but her feelings for him were growing stronger.  His silent, brooding power consumed her soul and she ached for him to take her in his powerful arms and to taste his lips. 
    She wanted him to touch her body, caress her until she was driven to the point of no return.  She wanted him between her thighs, ploughing her hard until she was driven into a frenzy of wild passion.  She was as hot and as wet as the deep jungle they travelled through.
    Vron, however, stayed silent and distant, remaining respectful and moving away when it was her turn to bathe, though she was sure he felt the same about her as she did about him. 
    Every so often, she caught him looking at her when he thought she hadn’t noticed and her heart thrilled at his gaze.  She wanted him to make a move, but nothing happened and this was hardly the time and place to explore any potential relationship.
    The journey was mostly uneventful, except for a couple of times when a patrol almost stumbled across them.  In those instants, they had to hide away and those were the only times he got close to her leaning in protectively as the soldiers tramped by.  Those were the most intense times, being so near him and though danger was so close they were so wonderfully stimulating.
    Finally though, they reached their destination.  Vron took her to a rocky outcropping overlooking a mountainside.  A majestic waterfall rushed down into a vast lake thousands of kilometres below their feet.  After weeks of unbroken vegetation, it was a wonderful contrast for her eyes.
    “Here we are,” Vron said abruptly standing by the rock wall.
    Maya stared at him perplexed and her eyes widened as he pressed a camouflaged switch on the rock and a circular doorway appeared as if by magic.  Vron saw her amazement and a smile spread across his face.  It made him look even more gorgeous.  “Care to go in?” he asked, clearly pleased that he’d impressed her.
    She nodded and stepped through the opening.  As soon as she did, a soft yellow light came on showing her a flight of steps that led down to a huge chamber of white marble. 
    She moved down the steps, staring at the huge white statue that stood in the centre of the chamber overlooking a large pool of pristine water.  The statue was of a naked woman with voluptuous curves and large breasts, smiling down serenely at Maya.  She stared up at it in wonder before turning to Vron.  He closed the secret doorway with another unseen switch and padded down to join her.
    “What is this place?” she asked, completely wonderstruck.
    “My people did not always worship the Blood God,” Vron said, “and we were not the savage people we are now.  Once we possessed a vastly superior civilisation where technology and spiritual enlightenment were the great pillars of our society.  That was the time when we followed the divine teachings of the Moon Lady.”  He pointed to the statue. 
    “That was a thousand years ago, and that mighty civilisation collapsed through war and

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