Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles

Read Online Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles by Jacqueline Marshall - Free Book Online

Book: Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles by Jacqueline Marshall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Marshall
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table sipping a hot chocolate drink.
    "Do we need to talk in private?"
    "No, here is good" answered grandma. "The elders tested you for changes and any new powers you have developed as a result of your keening transformation. They found your capacity has activated. Capacity is the main difference between mortals and immortals. Every immortal has a different capacity for power storage. Some immortals with a large capacity but may have their power element as a gas. This is the case for many air immortals. Some have a small capacity but if their power element is a dense solid, like most earth immortals, then they may have equal power compared to the immortal with the gas element. Your capacity is still expanding which sometimes happens with water elementals. While you are still developing as an immortal you may use energy to the point of a complete energy drain to expand your capacity. You need to continue expanding your capacity and that means at least every day you must drain yourself of energy until the point of collapse. We are still testing your power element. The new power you have is to heal the earth. Anything or anyone that is earth element you can heal. What I must ask you to do on a regular basis is to heal the earth until you drain all your energy and then keep healing so your capacity grows. Healing the earth is a good way to drain your power quickly but it will also keep you very weak. Consider this as part of your immortal training program that we want you to do secretly" explained grandma.
    "When do you want me to start?" asked Ali.
    "As soon as you feel up to it. We wanted to give you time to rest after the keening so it is up to you when you want to start" answered grandma.
    "Can someone show me how to do it?" asked Ali
    "I can tell you. Come here and put your hands on the ground. Then you push your power into the ground and direct it to heal. Say 'heal the earth' in your head if it helps" instructed grandma.
    Ali followed the directions and felt power travel down her arms as she directed it to heal the earth. After a few minutes Ali felt woozy but kept going until she passed out. An elder was called to carry Ali back to her bed to recuperate.

    Chapter 12
    "Ali! Are you ready?" called out grandma.
    "On my way!" shouted Ali.
    Ali hugged her heavy coat around her as she made her way into the fortress yard, with Rom in tow, where all the elders were waiting with saddled steeds.
    "Ali, the weather is too warm for that coat. Take it off" ordered grandma.
    "I am too embarrassed. The braves are going to be there and I ain't used to how my body changed yet" insisted Ali.
    "Don't be so precious. You are going to have to show people some time, it may as well be now. Your new dresses fit you so nicely. Besides, every other woman has the same sort of body as you do. It is nothing out of the ordinary. Now give me your coat and I will pack it"  grandma asserted.
    Ali passed over her coat then mounted her steed. The group made their way through the forest paths headed back to the main lodges. Braves on the outer patrols of the main lodges signalled to the main camp of the approaching group. Trak, Donny and Kitch joined a group of braves that raced to meet the elders and Ali.
    The thundering of hooves announced the group of braves. As the groups met there was much joking, laughter and hugging. As Donny's eyes zeroed in on her and lit up in surprise, Ali's face flamed red in embarrassment. Donny made his way alongside Ali's steed.
    "You had us all worried, little sister. It is good to have you back" said Donny.
    Kitch approached with shock evident on his face "Ali? Ali, is that you? I hardly recognized you. Va-va-va-voom. Man, you are so curvalicious now. Well worth the wait. I can't wait to see all the reactions from the rest of the tribal dudes. Hey Trak!
    Get a load of Ali. Gorgeous or what?" spouted Kitch.
    Trak drew up

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