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Authors: Jason Burke
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Captured in Faisalabad, Pakistan, in March 2002.
AL-ADEL, SAIF Former Egyptian special forces colonel, senior trainer in Pakistan in late eighties and early nineties, and again in Afghanistan 1996– 2001, still active in early 2004, possibly from base in Iran.
AHMED, NAJMUDDIN FERAJ KNOWN AS MULLAH KREKAR Kurdish cleric who ran guesthouse in Peshawar in 1980s while teaching in Pakistan, founded Ansar ul Islam group, currently in prison in Norway.
AJAJ, AHMED Militant arrested at JFK airport when tried to enter US in company of Ramzi Yousef in 1992.
ATEF, MOHAMMED Former Egyptian policeman, fighter against the Soviets, and bin Laden’s military chief in late 1990s. Killed in Kabul in November 2001 by missile strike.
ATTA, MOHAMMED Leader of 11 September hijackers. Born 1968 in Kafr el-Sheikh, Egypt. Grew up in Cairo. 1992 arrived in Germany after takingbachelor’s degree in Cairo to attend Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg to study urban planning. Had part-time job at an urban-planning consultancy in Hamburg. In 1994 went on student trip to Istanbul and later to Aleppo to research thesis on conflict of Islam and modernity as reflected in planning of cities. Went on pilgrimage to Mecca. From 1996 started to attend al-Quds mosque, where met other members of the ‘Hamburg cell’. Died on Flight AA11 when it hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
AL-AUDA, SALMAN Well-known and influential dissident Saudi cleric. Born 1955 in the central Qaseem province.
AZIZ, MULLAH UTHMAN ALI Senior Kurdish cleric from northeastern Iraq, founder of Islamic Movement of Kurdistan in late 1980s.
AZZAM, ABDALLAH Palestinian-born ideologue and member of the Muslim Brotherhood who set up logistic networks to funnel cash and volunteers to war against Soviets in Afghanistan. Radical, internationalized vision of Jihad was major influence on many later militants. Killed in 1989 by a car bomb in Pakistan, aged 48.
BA’ASIR, ABU BAKR Indonesian cleric and leader of Jemaa Islamiyya, imprisoned in 2003 on terrorism-related charges.
AL-BANNA, HASSAN Egyptian school teacher who founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 with the slogan ‘Islam is the solution’.
AL-BANSHIRI, ABU UBAIDAH Egyptian former policeman, fought with Massoud against Soviets, became bin Laden’s military commander, died in accident in Africa in 1996.
BAROT, DHIREN Indian-born British citizen, Hindu convert to Islam, arrested in 2004, convicted of terrorist offences in 2006. Accused of plans to blow up tube trains under the Thames. Alleged to be a veteran of militant activity in Kashmir and training camps in the Phillipines.
BEGHAL, DJAMAL Algerian-born activist based in France and the UK, lived in Afghanistan 2000–2001, arrested in Dubai in 2001 on way to Europe.
BIN AL-SHIBH, RAMZI Key coordinator of the ‘Hamburg cell’. Born 1972 in Hadramawt, Yemen. A computer graduate. Arrived in Germany about 1995 and moved to Hamburg. Moved into apartment at 54 Marienstrasse on 31 October 1998 with Atta and another man. Attempted and failed to enter USA. Arrested in Karachi, September 2002.
BIN JAFFAR, MOHAMMED KHALIM Singaporean activist sent to Afghanistan in 1999 with request for assistance from radicals there.
BIN LADEN, MOHAMMED BIN AWAD Osama bin Laden’s father, born in the Yemen. Set up the huge bin Laden construction conglomerate. Died 1966 or 1967.
BIN LADEN, OSAMA BORN 1957 in Saudi Arabia. Active in war against Soviets in Afghanistan, first as logistician and propagandist, later as fighter too. Began organizing own group of militants in around 1988 in Pakistan. Spent from 1989 to 1991 in Saudi Arabia. In Sudan until 1996 when expelled and returned to Afghanistan. Over next five years commissioned, assisted and instigated a series of terrorist attacks and issued a series of influential propaganda statements. Fugitive, with a $25 million price on his head, since American-led assault on Afghanistan in autumn 2001.
BOUYERI, MOHAMMED 26-year-old Dutchman who shot and

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