Age of X01 - Gameboard of the Gods

Read Online Age of X01 - Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead - Free Book Online

Book: Age of X01 - Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richelle Mead
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
and information instantly accessible, and that lack had only increased his feeling of isolation in exile.
    Mae sighed and looked up from the ego’s screen. “I have to go. I took too long.” She began hunting around for her dress. “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t be,” he said. His words were gallant, but there was a sinking feeling welling up in him, not unlike when Huan had announced his departure. “I’m honored to have even had such a brief moment of a Valkyrie’s time.”
    She gave him a wry smile as she tugged the dress up. “You already had me in bed. You don’t have to keep laying on the charm.”
    “I don’t know how to stop it.”
    That got him a bigger smile. He found a robe and walked her to the door. She opened it and then lingered in the doorway, looking at him in a way that managed to be both bold and shy at the same time. “I hope you find something to make you happy.”
    “I already did,” he assured her.
    “It really doesn’t stop with you.” She gave him a long kiss good-bye, one even she was reluctant to break. “If I ever get back here, I’ll look you up again.”
    He smiled. “I look forward to it.”
    Won’t that be a nice surprise for Huan the next time he’s in town, said Horatio.
    Justin watched her walk away, feeling both light and weighted down at the same time.
    The bargain is complete, said Magnus. You’ve claimed the crowned woman.
    That startled Justin out of his melancholy. What? No. Not her.
    You saw the crown of stars and flowers, insisted the raven.
    Panic suddenly seized Justin as he remembered that moment, in the throes of postorgasmic bliss, when he had indeed had a brief vision of Mae crowned in glory. A conversation from long ago, with a figure inshadows, replayed in his head. Justin knew the words by heart: You’ll know her by a crown of stars and flowers, and then when you take her to your bed and claim her, you will swear your loyalty to me.
    After a bit of analysis, he relaxed.
    No, he told the ravens. I didn’t claim or take the crowned woman to bed.
    Really? Horatio was incredulous. You were most definitely in bed with her. And there was a lot of claiming going on.
    No. The deal was that I would know her by the crown and then claim her. Key word: then. The woman I took to bed was a lovely Nordic. I didn’t see the crown until afterward. So, therefore I didn’t claim her when I recognized her.
    The ravens were silent for long moments, and Justin held his breath, more terrified than he was willing to admit of the precipice he stood on. It was a tenuous argument, but he had a feeling their master appreciated such subtleties. In fact, he wondered if they were conferring with him now. Finally, Horatio admitted grudgingly, You’re right. You’re a slippery bastard, which is why he likes you.
    But you know her now, Magnus warned him. You’ve seen the crown. You know who she is. No more excuses. The next time you make love to her, the deal is done, and you must fulfill your part and swear loyalty. Do you understand?
    Yes, Justin told him smugly, amazed he’d gotten away with this. And I also understand I’ll never see her again.
    Just then, one of Cristobal’s henchmen rounded the corner and approached. Justin sighed, unhappy at this intrusion on his afterglow. “Are you here to break my knees for pissing off Señora Santiago?”
    “Nah.” The guy fished an envelope out of his pocket. “I’m just supposed to deliver this to you.”
    Justin took the envelope, nearly dropping it when he saw its seal. The RUNA rarely used paper for correspondence, but when it did, there was a type of sticker used to ensure the envelope’s security. It was a metallic square that showed the country’s seal in glowing blue. As soon as the edges of the sticker were lifted even a little, the seal went dark.
    “Where the hell did you get this?” Justin demanded.
    “I don’t know. Someone gave it to Cristobal.” The guy waited expectantly, and Justin realized he wanted a

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