
Read Online Aftershocks by Natalie J. Damschroder - Free Book Online

Book: Aftershocks by Natalie J. Damschroder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie J. Damschroder
one hand. The other already fumbled with her office phone, but she froze before she dialed. If someone saw her company number on the caller ID, it would ruin everything.
    It took only a few seconds to look up the code to block caller ID, but she couldn’t breathe and that made it feel like forever. Quickly, she keyed in the code, then dialed Olivia’s cell phone number. She’d be on her way to school, probably, not already there with it off, and—
    “Hello?” Her bright, cheery voice was backed by other young voices. Someone said, “Ooh, look what Zach’s doing,” and Olivia’s second “hello?” was far more distracted. She giggled, then disconnected the call.
    Zoe let out the dry sobs she’d been holding back and set the phone rattling into its cradle. She’s fine, they haven’t done anything, she’s fine. Her hands shook, pissing her off, as she dragged a bottle of water from her bag and uncapped it. The coolness moistened her mouth and throat, but she eyed the box that sat so patiently on her desk. She wasn’t done. Their message wasn’t complete.
    Inside was a cheap clock, unwound. Obviously to tell her to move faster. Next to it was a smaller box, the kind that held jewelry or figurines or ornaments. It all looked like a friendly gift, surrounded by white tissue paper. But Zoe’s chest squeezed until she could barely breathe again. What was in here was going to be bad.
    The box was so light it could have been empty, but something shifted when she tilted it to pry open the lid. What was inside was so odd, her confusion took away the dread. She peered more closely at it, then picked up the letter opener again to poke at it. Whatever it was, it was leathery and stiff. Mostly flat, about a quarter inch thick. Kind of round on one side, a little pointed on the other end, and with a tiny hole, like a…
    Like a piercing. She gagged and shoved the lid closed, almost throwing the box across the room. That was an earlobe in there. Grant’s earlobe.
    God. She swallowed bile and swallowed again. Her head swam, her vision fuzzing around the edges, hot saliva a warning to partner her cramping stomach. She had to sit. Her chair had skidded backwards when she jumped. She carefully pulled it to her and lowered herself into it. She wanted to bend over, head between her knees, until the nausea subsided. But she hadn’t closed her blinds. Anyone could see her.
    Think. Think . She forced herself to breathe and ignore the dizziness, the instinct of her body to escape. What were they trying to say? They’d cut off Grant’s earlobe to force his brother Jordie to do their bidding. They could do anything to anyone—to Olivia—to get the same results from Zoe. That was the message here.
    A half second of panic lit inside her, but she quickly squashed it. She’d just heard Olivia’s voice. She was fine. And that wasn’t how Pat worked. All the therapy she’d been through had given her a more thorough understanding of him than she’d ever wanted. He believed in incentive. He’d only hurt Grant because Jordie wouldn’t do what he wanted. They wouldn’t hurt anyone yet. She still had a chance to make sure they never did.
    With nausea rising again, she pulled out her phone and sent another response to the text messages. Three words this time, her hands shaking so badly she had to undo autocorrect twice before she could hit send. They’d have to be enough.
    I’ll find them .
    * * *
    It took too long to execute her plan, even though she pushed everything through impossibly fast. The final meeting with the attorney that would erase the life she’d built occurred late in the day on a Friday. When she finally walked into the office, her shoulder briefcase dragging her down and slowing her steps, Sherry pounced on her as usual.
    “Zoe, I have your messages!” Sherry jumped up and trotted after Zoe toward her office.
    “Can you give me a second?” She tried not to snap at the admin, but her hovering as Zoe hung up her

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