Afterlives of the Rich and Famous

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Book: Afterlives of the Rich and Famous by Sylvia Browne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia Browne
along the way. But our sacred pact with them is based on the fact that we’ve incarnated for the further education and growth of our souls, and those things can’t be accomplished if our Spirit Guides are constantly shielding us from the exact lessons that we designed for ourselves in the first place. They’re Spirit Guides, after all, not Spirit Bosses, Spirit Police, or Spirit Superheroes, doing precisely what God and we ask of them for our maximum benefit.
    Spirit Guides communicate with us in several ways, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t have the advantages I do of clairaudience and the ability to channel. The vast majority of the time they express themselves telepathically and through infusion, directly from their spirit minds to ours. What you might habitually define as instinct, your conscience, or the ever popular “something told me” is really most likely to be your Spirit Guide sending you messages, and it’s up to you to remain open-minded and alert enough to pay attention.
    They’re also the very last to say good-bye to us as we leave the Other Side to come here, and they’re there when we return Home, among the crowd that welcomes us and the sure, steady hand that leads us to the Scanning Machine to start making sense of the lives we’ve just finished—in other words, our relationship with our Spirit Guide is one of the most unique, steadfast, and invaluable alliances we’ll ever experience.
    Just to clarify something right up front, we’re all spirits. The only difference between us and the celebrities in this book, not to mention our deceased loved ones, is that we’re currently inhabiting a body and they’re not. So in this discussion of spirits who’ve moved on from their bodies, when I use third-person pronouns like “they” and “them,” please remember that not that long ago “they” were “us,” and not long from now we’ll be them again, just as we were before we incarnated.
    The spirits we’ll be talking about are those who’ve made it safely to the higher-frequency dimension of the Other Side, three feet above our own ground level. You know those countless descriptions you’ve heard of visiting spirits looking as if they’re floating a few feet above the ground? They’re not really floating at all; they’re simply moving along on their own ground level, exactly three feet above ours.
    Once spirits arrive Home and go through any Orientation or cocooning processes they might need, they’re living in a very real place of perfect bliss, where the atmosphere itself is charged with God’s immediate presence, peace, and eternal, unconditional love. Living in that state of bliss, reunited with their memories of all their past lives on earth, and now at Home and back on the “time clock” of eternity again, they’re literally incapable of the strictly human emotions of unhappiness, anger, resentment, pettiness, worry, fear, and negativity. Any emotional and physical burdens a spirit carried through an incarnation are resolved in the white light of the Holy Spirit on the Other Side. So if you ever encounter a being who seems sad, mean, or troubled in any way or who shows even a hint of wounds, disease, or other challenges, I promise you’re dealing with an earthbound ghost, not a spirit. And if you ever find yourself worrying if deceased loved ones at Home are angry with you, if they’ve forgiven you, or if they are as ill or unhappy as they were during their lives, you can ease your mind. Needlepoint it on a pillow if you need to, because you can count on it: if they’re Home, they’re happy.
    Unobstructed by our earthly limitations, spirits have any number of advantages over us on earth that we all have to look forward to:
The natural ability to communicate with each other, and with us when they visit us, through the use of telepathy—that is, the instant transference of information from one entity to another without the use of the five physical senses.

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