After the Loving

Read Online After the Loving by Gwynne Forster - Free Book Online

Book: After the Loving by Gwynne Forster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwynne Forster
kissed his lips.
    “You got her here in time, and she’ll be well taken care of,” she said. “It’s hard for me, too, but please try not to worry. You’re a wonderful man. I’ll be right back.”
    She left him, and he leaned forward with his knees apart, rested his forearms on his thighs and let his hands dangle in front of him. Useless. Powerless. Unfamiliar feelings. He got up, walked to the other end of the small room and retraced his steps. Walls white and bare, gray chairs side by side around the room. Why didn’t someone put pictures in waiting rooms, or anything to distract a person’s attention? He walked back to the other side of the room. If only he could kick something! Thinking that an hour had passed and wondering why Velma hadn’t returned, he looked at his watch and grimaced. Less than twenty minutes had elapsed since he stopped his car in front of the hospital.
    Since he stopped… What had he been thinking? He didn’t allow anyone to drive his car except Telford and Drake, andhe wasn’t keen on their doing it. Maybe he should pray, but he didn’t know how to begin. He sat down, leaned back in the chair that was too small for his big frame and closed his eyes. He remembered the Lord’s Prayer from his childhood, and he said it then in barely whispered tones. When he opened his eyes, Velma stood before him.
    She handed him the car keys. “I parked on the side. No news yet?”
    He shook his head. “No. She’s so little. What could they be doing to her?”
    “Probably pumping her stomach.”
    He sprang forward. “Will that hurt?”
    “I’m not sure. I hope not.” He started to get up, and she tugged at his hand. “Honey, try to relax. They’ll tell us something soon.”
    She caressed his hand, and he let her do it; he needed the comfort. “That little girl is so much a part of me. If she were my own child, I doubt I could love her more. Telford, Drake and Henry adopted her at once, but it took me a long time. One day late last summer, I saved her life, and she’s been in here ever since.” He pointed to his heart. “I couldn’t bear it if she—”
    She sat beside him then and put her arm around his shoulders. “She’s going to be fine.”
    He closed his eyes in an effort to blot out his surroundings and tried to think of his next project, but he failed. He sensed that Velma stood up abruptly and opened his eyes to see the nurse approaching, her face brilliant with a smile. He rushed to meet the woman.
    “Is she…? How is she?”
    “She’s fine, but we want her to rest a couple of hours before you take her home.”
    “You’re sure? You’re sure she’s all right?” he asked her.
    “Absolutely. You got her here in good time, so there won’tbe any permanent damage, but there certainly could have been. She said she thought she spit it out when she realized it wasn’t chocolate, but she swallowed enough of it to make her very sick. If you want something to eat or drink, there’s a cafeteria on the first level down. Take the elevator.”
    “Can we go in and see her?” he asked. “Just for a second?”
    “I’d rather not. It’s important that she rest. Are you Mr. Russ?”
    “Yes. I’m Russ Harrington, and this is Velma Brighton, Tara’s aunt.”
    “I’m glad to meet you. I’m Nurse Parker. She said to tell you she’s not sick. She’ll be out in two hours.”
    “Two hours to…well, at least she’ll be all right,” he said to Velma. “Let’s go downstairs and get something to eat.” They got on the elevator and went to the cafeteria. He chose a hamburger, french fries and salad. He put it on the table and stared at it.
    “What’s wrong?” Velma asked him.
    He ran his fingers through his silky curls and then rubbed the back of his neck. “I must be losing it. I don’t eat junk like this.”
    “This chicken fried steak is pretty good, want a sample?”
    He tasted it. “Not bad.” He dumped his tray of food into the trash bin and returned with the

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