After Tex

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Book: After Tex by Sherryl Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherryl Woods
watched her place steaming platter after steaming platter on the table, Jake couldn’t help wondering what had happened to all the food the neighbors had dropped off in Pyrex dishes covered with foil. Probably not up to her fancy standards.
    She stood by the table and frowned at some flaw Jake couldn’t detect. He wandered over to stand beside her.
    â€œSomething wrong?”
    Megan barely glanced at him. “There’s something missing, but I can’t pinpoint what it is,” she said with evident frustration.
    â€œNobody’s going to notice if you’ve left off a saltshaker or a serving spoon. They’re coming by to show their support and their sympathy, not to see if Megan O’Rourke can throw a great party,” he reassured her, even though he’d been thinking exactly that about the mourners’ motives earlier.
    When she would have protested, he tucked a finger under her chin and forced her gaze to his. “Meggie, it’s not a test.”
    For a moment tears swam in her eyes. She looked lost and surprisingly vulnerable. “I have to get it right,” she whispered. “For Tex.”
    â€œThen you should have thrown a barbecue andbeen done with it. That was Tex’s style, Meggie. Not all this fancy silver.”
    He’d meant it to be reassuring, but he knew instantly she took it the wrong way. Fire flashed in her eyes.
    â€œAre you saying I’ve gotten this wrong, too? Well, who the hell are you to tell me what my grandfather would or wouldn’t like?” she exploded. “He was my grandfather, dammit. Just because you somehow managed to cozy up to him these last few months doesn’t mean you knew him better than me, Jake Landers. It doesn’t.”
    With that she burst into tears and fled to the kitchen. Jake hadn’t intended to goad her into an outburst, but he couldn’t help being glad he’d broken through that tough act she’d been putting on for everyone’s benefit. He was about to follow her when the housekeeper put a hand on his arm.
    â€œLet her go,” Mrs. Gomez said.
    â€œI should have been more sensitive, I suppose,” he said, but without much real regret.
    â€œNo. She needed a good cry, but she won’t like you seeing it. You being the cause gives her an excuse she can handle right now. Thinking of Tex being dead and buried is still too much for her.”
    â€œIs she going to be all right?” he asked, still staring worriedly after her.
    â€œOh, I imagine she’ll be just fine in time. Megan’s a strong, resilient woman. She’s had to be all her life. Her world’s a little topsy-turvy right now, but she’ll set it straight soon enough.”
    It sounded kinder when Mrs. Gomez said it than ithad when he’d sarcastically accused Megan of being adaptable. “Will she be okay with Tess?”
    â€œAs I said, she is resilient. She is also good-hearted. She will do what is right for the child.”
    Still staring after Meggie, Jake sighed. “There have been a lot of times these last few months when I’ve regretted letting Tex talk me into drawing up that will of his. This is one of them.”
    â€œIf you hadn’t done it, someone else would have. Better that it was someone who knows Meggie, someone who cares about her and can see her through this.”
    His gaze shot to hers. “I never said…”
    She patted his cheek. “You didn’t have to. It is in your eyes. It always has been.” She gestured toward the table. “Now pile a plate up with some of this food and eat. You will need your strength for what’s to come, Sí? ”
    Jake had a feeling he could eat every last scrap on the buffet and still not be strong enough to deal with Meggie when she found out about Tex’s final devious scheme to get her back to Wyoming for good.

    T ears streaming down her cheeks and, no doubt, destroying her carefully applied

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