Across the Great River

Read Online Across the Great River by Irene Beltrán Hernández - Free Book Online

Book: Across the Great River by Irene Beltrán Hernández Read Free Book Online
Authors: Irene Beltrán Hernández
safe, but I will worry for your safety when I leave.”
    Mama pulls me to her. “What has happened, Anita?”
    â€œThat man is after something. It is twice that he makes his evil appearances and three times he has tried to approach the girl.”
    â€œBut we have nothing of value,” adds Mama, stroking my hair.
    â€œPeople value different things. He might want to hurt you or the child … as men sometimes do.”
    We make our way upstairs slowly while Anita talks to Mama in hushed tones, as if they were sharing deep secrets. By the time we reach our room, Mama is shaking. “Yes … yes … we must move immediately.”
    â€œLet me take the children back to the ranchito. Don Juan will arrive Sunday afternoon to drive me back. I can take the little ones until you are resettled,” Anita begs.
    Mama sobs, “Oh, Anita. What else will happen to my little family?”
    â€œAh! You are fortunate so far. You have work, and I can care for the children. Don Juan likes the money you give him to drive you to and from the ranchito, so it works out well for everyone. Be thankful for that!”
    â€œYou speak the truth, Anita,” replies Mama. “And I believe you are right.” She turns to us. “Children, you rest now. Anita will stay with you while I go to speak with my lady boss. Perhaps she will know of a safer place to live. If not, I will send you back to the ranchito with Anita.”
    â€œOkay, Mama,” I answer.
    She dries her tears on the hem of her skirt, then hugs Anita. “Keep them safe until I return.”
    Anita locks the door after Mama leaves. “Rest now, a little sleep never hurt anyone.”
    I lie down next to Pablito. Anita covers us with a sheet and she sits on the mattress, humming a tune until I can no longer hear it. When I awake I notice Anita standing, glaring out the window. The sky is now dark. “Hasn’t Mama returned?” I ask.
    She seems startled by my voice. “No, come, for we must fix something for supper. It will help pass the time.”
    Anita connects the hot plate to the only electrical plug in our wall. She kneels on the floor, kneading dough for flour tortillas. Then she reaches over to test the hot plate with her finger.
    â€œWhat time do you think it is?” I ask.
    â€œIt’s late enough. Now come, for the baby will be hungry.”
    She hands me a bowl with the dough and I divide it into small balls, then roll them into flat circles. I hand them over to Anita who puts them on the hot plate. “If you are busy, time passes quickly,” she mutters.
    We roll a fine stack of tortillas which Anita wraps in a cloth and sticks in a basket. “Now, I will cook some meat.”
    I watch as she drops chopped meat into a pan to cook. She covers the pan with the lid and sits back to wait. When the meat is done, she fills each tortilla with a little meat and adds each taco to a neat stack. “Now, another cloth to keep them warm for Mama,” she smiles.
    She stops wrapping them when she hears a big thump, as if something heavy has fallen on the stairs. I glance quickly toward the door. “What is that?”
    Again there is a heavy bang, as if something is thrown against the wall. This time Anita points to the floor beneath us. “It comes from down there.” She rises to her feet and stares at the door.
    â€œWhat’s wrong?” I ask, rising too.
    â€œStay here. Lock the door after me.”
    I grab tightly to her skirt. “Don’t leave us, Anita. Please.”
    â€œBe calm child. Now listen, I shall knock four times when I return. Do not let anyone else inside. Do you understand, Kata?”
    â€œIf you say so, Anita,” I cry. She flies out the door and in the hall she waits until I have bolted the door, which I lean against with all my weight. It is as if the skin on my back is covered with biting black ants.

Chapter Six
    The shadows from our small light

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