Acceptance (Club X Book 5)

Read Online Acceptance (Club X Book 5) by K.M. Scott - Free Book Online

Book: Acceptance (Club X Book 5) by K.M. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Scott
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Erotic
I said as I took a step toward the door.
    Stefan grabbed my arm to stop me before I made it very far. “Come on. Just a couple minutes. We waited all those hours. What’s a few minutes more?”
    “If you’re so eager to talk to him, go ahead. I’ll just stay here next to the door. You have five minutes.”
    Undaunted by my lack of interest, Stefan jumped at the chance to find out more about the drunken mess of a person with a bloody nose who was barely keeping his eyes open. Positioning himself next to him on the couch, he said, “Hey, dude, wake up. Let’s talk.”
    Sebastian’s eyes opened wide and fixed on him. “I didn’t realize you were still here. What do you want from me?”
    “What’s your deal? Do you always get stone drunk on a Monday night?”
    I couldn’t help but smile at the judgmental tone in Stefan’s voice. It wasn’t that many years ago that he got drunk every night of the week and Cash and I had to deal with him.
    Scrubbing his face, Sebastian seemed to think about the questions for a minute. His voice a little less slurred, he said, “Well, not that it’s any of your business, but I decided to have a few after work tonight with one of the girls who works at CocoNut’s. So after Tawny got off, we got to drinking.”
    “I thought you said your girlfriend’s name was Dani.”
    More judgment from someone who used to go through women like they were water.
    Sebastian grinned and with a shrug said, “I didn’t say she was my wife or anything. We hang out. Why do you fucking care? Who are you again?”
    Before I could stop him, Stefan outed the both of us. “I’m Stefan and this is Kane.”
    Looking at each of us, he said, “I know those names. Did you tell me in the car?”
    Hoping to lie well enough to confuse him, I spoke up. “Yeah, we did, but we have to go. Stef, let’s go. Now.”
    He held his hand up to stop me. “Wait a minute. I want to talk more to Sebastian here. So did you get anywhere with that Tawny girl?”
    I rolled my eyes. Of all the questions he could ask the guy, that was the one that came to his mind first? Maybe old Stefan wasn’t entirely gone after all.
    Sebastian nodded. “Yeah, I did. It was sort of like shooting fish in a barrel, though, I have to admit. She’s wanted me for a while, so I figured why not, right? You’re only young once, and I’m not tied down to anyone.”
    Stefan looked over at me and smiled. “I like this guy. He’s a shitty drunk, but I like his attitude. He reminds me of me a few years ago.”
    “Yeah. That’s a reason to not like someone, Stef. Let’s go.”
    Ignoring me, Stefan asked Sebastian, “So what else do you do other than work at a restaurant, get drunk, and pick up women?”
    “Is there anything else to do around here?” Sebastian answered way too cocky. More and more, I started to believe he was another son of Cassian March.
    “Well, no, probably not, but if you could do other things, what would you do?”
    He ran his hands through his black hair and thought about the question for a few seconds. “I always dreamed of going west. You know, getting out of this state and seeing the rest of the country. I’ve never seen mountains, so I’d like to see them.”
    Time was up. “Stefan, come here.”
    Both of them looked at me, but thankfully Stefan didn’t argue with me and came over to where I was standing. Shaking my head, I tried to find the words to make him understand I had no more interest in whatever he was trying to do with Sebastian.
    “I’m not sure what this whole high school guidance counselor thing you have going on with this guy is, but your five minutes is up. Time to go.”
    I saw in his dark eyes he really wanted to know more about the guy. He had that curious look in them. “Come on, Kane. I think he could be our brother. Don’t you want a chance to get to know him a little?”
    “No. He reminds me too much of what you were like in the early days at the club.”
    Stefan sneered. “Don’t be

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