Abigail's Secret (A Whimsical Select Romance Novella)

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Book: Abigail's Secret (A Whimsical Select Romance Novella) by Tamara Ternie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Ternie
shoulders in a firm grasp.  “Tess, I am going to just say it outright.”  Abigail looked sternly in her sapphire eyes that nearly mirrored her own in shape and size.  “Brice is falling in love with you.”
    Tess laughed.
    “I’m serious, Tess,” she assured.  “It was not even an hour ago that he confessed it to me.”
    Tess smiled and cupped her hands gently on Abigail’s cheeks.  “Darling, I have known more men that I care to admit, and I can attest that I know their ways well. Brice Winslow hasn’t an inkling of love for me. ”  She looked at Thomas and whispered in Abigail’s ear, “Being a woman of much experience, I would sense such affections.”
    “Of course he does.  In fact, he even shamelessly admitted that he had a fondness for you and me both.  And not only does he hope, but he expects me to pursue him whilst he courts you!  Have you ever heard of anything so indecent?”
    Tess shook her head and smiled.  “Oh, sweetheart, I do believe Mister Brice Winslow is wise to your scheme.”
    “Surely he isn’t,” Abigail and Thomas repeated in unison.
    “Oh Thomas, surely you see it.” Tess laughed. “He’s playing Abigail as you two have been playing him.”
    Abigail frowned.  “Perhaps we hadn’t fooled him at all.”
    “It would appear Mister Winslow has put me out of a job,” Tess smiled.
    “ You’re not high tailing it out of here just yet, Miss Tess” Thomas exclaimed. “Even if Winslow is aware of our ruse, we still need you to keep the thousands of other men at bay until we get Abigail married.”
    “It’s not that I must marry, Thomas,” Abigail countered.
    “As long as that dowry is up for grabs, you will never have a normal life.  Marriage will set you free of its restraints.”
    Abigail looked down at the letter that was still in her hand. “Well, if I must marry, then I want it to be Brice.”
    “Despite that it may be for the purpose of your dowry?”  Thom as frowned.  “Abigail, this farce was in place to prevent that from occurring. I’ll not idly stand by and see you marry a man who doesn’t truly love you or is undeserving of your love in return.”
    “Then we’ ll come up with another ruse,” Abigail suggested.
    “Well, dear sister, my bag is currently empty of tricks.”
    “What if we brought another woman into the mix and say she is the true Abigail Large.   We can confuse him with our numbers.”
    “He’d never fall for it,” Tess said.  “What you need now is honesty.”
    “Honesty ?” Thomas and Abigail asked in shocked unison.
    Tess warily eyed them and raised her arms in the air.  “Are you both that unfamiliar with telling the truth?”
    “Perhaps Tess is right. Maybe we should try our hand at honesty.”  She looked at Tess and smiled.  “What do you propose we do?”
    “ First and foremost, you must remove the shadows that have been cast over him that’s making his decisions based on needs and not his wants.”
    Abigail pondered the suggestion for a moment.  “I think that is a fine idea but how do you propose we go about the task as we are not privy to his financial burdens?”
    “I ’ve already investigated his financial affairs,” Thomas shamelessly admitted. “His only pressing debt is his plantation and stock.”  He looked at Tess.  “I’ll send him the clear deed to the property and see to it his debts are clear.”
    “That is very generous of you,” Abigail said.  “More generous than I’ve ever known you to be to someone outside family.”  She eyed him distrustfully and walked in stood in front of him.  “Why?”
    “I have my reasons, dear sister.”  He reached for her shoulders and gently pushed her aside.  “Continue with your plan, Tess,” Thomas directed.
    “You must tell Mister Winslow the truth about who you are before he has a chance to call you out on it first.”  She smiled at Abigail.  “He’ll need to know that he can trust the woman he is to call his

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