Abigail's Secret (A Whimsical Select Romance Novella)

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Book: Abigail's Secret (A Whimsical Select Romance Novella) by Tamara Ternie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Ternie
    A family friend from Belmont has the misfortune of being with child without benefit of a husband. Her father, who has a frightening disposition, will most certainly bid her and her child harm if he learns of her predicament. Being such, I feel it is best that I save her from that fate and take her hand in marriage.
    I apologize if this brings you stress. Your fondness for me is mutually returned .  I have greatly enjoyed our recent strolls and discussions and believe that our common interest could have possibly flourished our relationship into something more.  Yet my honor will not allow me to selfishly turn my back on a dear friend who will be reproached for a moment of lapsed judgment  
    I wish you great happiness and success in all your future endeavors.
    Affectionately Yours,
    Brice Winslow
    Abigail swiped the tears from her eyes and retrieved a handkerchief that she had previously flung to the floor.
    “Are you all right,” she heard Tess softly ask from the doorway.
    Abigail looked up and Thomas and Tess stood side by side inside her doorway and looked at her with troubled expressions.  She felt foolish that an aged letter would bring her such distress, but she didn’t care.  Brice had sincerely cared for her at one time.  That alone gave her reason to feel hope and happiness.
    Abigail nodded and smiled.  “Bittersweet tears,” she assured.
    “My apologies for the letter, Abigail,” he offered.  “I never thought for a moment you didn’t receive it.  I had reckoned the contents were for the purpose of casting you off and that you had left for Baltimore to find solace.  I saw no reason to rehash the issue of the note, so I never asked.”
    “After Maggie warned me of Brice’s upcoming nuptials, and it following so soon after losing our parents, I couldn’t bear to stay in town.  I needed a fresh start somewhere far from here.”  She stood up and reached for her brother’s hand.  “Had I received this letter then, I’d still have made the same decision to leave.”
    “And what was in the letter?” Thomas asked.
    “From the look on her face, I believe that is to remain private,” Tess smiled.  She patted Abigail on the back.  “If you’re truly all right, I’m going to return to my backgammon game with John.”
    “John?  Our John?” she asked grinning.
    “The very one,” she laughed.  “I reckon a peaceful evening with a gentleman will be a far cry from what tomorrow will bring at the raffle.”
    “Oh, Tess, there are so many horrid men who’ve come to vie for your hand.  I am truly sorry we have placed you in such an imposition. I surely hope my brother is paying you handsomely for your inconvenience.”
    “Thomas rolled his eyes heavenward.
    “Your dowry may match a King’s fortune, dear, but your brother is paying me a Queen’s ransom for my efforts.  Worry not about my comforts.  After this show, I shall be living in luxury for the rest of my days.”
    “That is, if Brice’s attacker doesn’t catch us in his sights.”  She looked at Thomas.  “And what have you learned of that?  Have you discovered any news from your inquiries?”
    Thomas pulled a gold, antique watch from his vest pocket that had belonged to their father.  “No, I haven’t, but I have a man coming shortly with an update on the subject.”  Thomas pocketed the watch into his vest and turned to Abigail.  “I only have a few moments to spare, so I shall make this brief,” he said, and Thomas’s expression held great concern.  “As we all agree the assailant is trying to prevent Brice from having undue advantage with Tess, I feel it may be beneficial to him if you and Brice were to publically court.  The attacker may believe his heart lies outside of Abigail’s dowry.”
    “No,” Abigail nearly shouted.
    “Are you worried you may be harmed,” Tess asked.
    “Although I probably should be, that isn’t why I protest.”  She looked at Tess and held her by the

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