A Wife For The Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Brides Book 3)

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Book: A Wife For The Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Brides Book 3) by Natalie Kristen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Kristen
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Nightfire clan
reared up and roared with her.
    She was sending a message to
her enemies.
    Lisha Kwok was a powerful,
deadly white tiger in her own right. But now she had a whole clan of
big, brown bears behind her, beside her.
    Anyone who dared messed with
Lisha would have to answer to the Nightfire clan.
    Lisha knew that videos and
pictures of her and her clan were already being uploaded onto
websites, blogs, social media sites.
    Her location and status as a
shifter had been exposed. But Lisha turned her exposure to her
advantage. It was a warning to all those who would hunt her and her
loved ones.
    She was no sitting duck. She
wasn't prey and she wasn't alone. The tables had been turned.
Anyone who had a mind to terrorize and hunt her had better be
prepared to be hunted and taken down. Ripped apart and gutted,
without mercy.
    Lisha turned and saw Abby
running towards them. Abby wasn't a bear shifter, but she had the
heart and stout courage of a bear. She gasped at the sight of Lisha
in tiger form. “You are so beautiful!” Abby caught her
breath and gave the clan a quick thumbs-up sign.
    “I've made the call,”
Abby informed them. She didn't even balk at the gory sight of the
limbless human at Lisha's feet. The man was unconscious but still
    Abby's eyes blazed with fury
as she spat, “The authorities are on their way. They're coming
to collect...the trash.”


    Lisha frowned at the computer
screen and changed the font of the website heading. With a few more
clicks of the mouse, she changed the background color and added some
lively graphics.
    Satisfied, she sat back and
rubbed her bulging belly absently. She was working from home today,
designing the new website for Nightfire Landscaping. Lisha found
that she enjoyed her job as a librarian too much to give it up
entirely, so she worked part-time at the library instead. On her
days off, she worked from home, freelancing as a web designer.
    But with her pregnancy now in
its final stages, she was finding it tiring to sit for long periods
at a time. The little rascals were getting restless as well,
constantly wrestling and kicking around in her belly.
    Brad and the entire clan had
been ecstatic to find out that she was expecting twins. Everyone had
fussed over her, constantly bringing nutritious food and nourishing
soups over to feed her. Lisha swore that she was now larger than a
full-grown whale.
    Lisha uploaded the website
and pushed back from her desk. Waddling out of her study, she made
her way to the kitchen to grab a glass of milk.
    She stood and gazed out the
window for a few minutes. Finishing the tall glass of milk and
giving herself a milk mustache, Lisha smiled and waved to some of her
clan members as they passed her house. Bruno's grandmother had just
returned from a shopping trip with Jason's mother and sister. The
three women waved back and grinned. From their guilty,
conspiratorial glances, Lisha knew what their shopping bags
contained. She narrowed her eyes at them and they laughed. They had
bought yet more baby stuff for her. Her house was already
overflowing with baby gifts and presents from the clan. And from the
Book Babes. The Book Babes had morphed into the Knitting Babes
though. Her book club members had been dropping by to give her
beautifully knitted baby booties, bonnets, blankets, shawls and even
a matching pair of sweaters for her and Brad.
    Lisha shook her head and
chuckled as the three she-bears hurried eagerly away. They couldn't
wait to rush home and wrap up all those presents.
    She rested her hand
protectively over her swollen belly as her mind flashed briefly back
to Mack Kross. Mack had given a full and damning confession,
describing in detail the workings of the human trafficking syndicate
that he was a part of. With a full list of names, dates and
locations, the authorities and government agencies successfully
infiltrated and smashed the syndicate. The masterminds and minions
were all prosecuted and convicted.

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