A White Cougar Christmas

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Book: A White Cougar Christmas by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Gayle
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allowed.” The drunk didn’t know when to quit.
    “I just saved your life, now be a good little drunk and order another drink from the bar before I change my mind and throw you out of here.”
    Hot and sexy’s voice flowed over her like warm butter, all silky smooth as he spoke to the idiot without taking his eyes from her. Her heart pounded as his unwavering gaze traveled over her. Dressed in jeans and a dark t-shirt with the name of the bar emblazoned across his chest, drawing her in, she was hard pressed to turn away. The arrogant lines of his face only emphasized the amazing package he presented. He had the body of a warrior, not one sculpted in a gym. Even better. She could smell the cougar on him, a wild and reckless scent that made her nipples tighten and her nostrils flare as she took in more. For the first time in a very long time, the feline inside of her wanted to roar its approval.
    His olive toned skin and long dark hair made him flat out sexy and gorgeous as hell. Without even knowing his name, she wanted to wrestle him to the ground and take a bite. He didn’t look like any other cat she’d ever encountered and something about him pulled her to him.
    He smiled at her then, white teeth flashing against ruby lips that she could imagine nibbling on for days. The arrogant way he looked her up and down would have earned any other man a punch in the gut or worse. Instead, the compulsion to wind her legs around his waist and hang on for dear life sucked the air from her lungs.
    Now there was an image she could wrap her mind around.
    Niki shook her head, wondering what had gotten into her. One look at a hot, hard stud and she was ready to get naked and horizontal with him.
    I really need a vacation.
    When the drunk gave up and wandered away, her hottie let go of her wrist and reached for her hand. “I’m Dean, by the way.”
    “Niki.” She took the hand he offered and watched him bring it to his lips. His dark eyes sparkled with a teasing light and a suggestive look. Her skin tingled, her body lit up and when his tongue darted out to lick at her skin, fire raced over her, engulfing her in heat that pulsed straight to her clit and nipples.
    “Can I offer you a drink, Niki?”
    Her breath caught in her throat as he continued to kiss and lick his way up her arm. Something about the way he spoke her name implied much more than a drink. An overwhelming sense of desire flowed through her veins, peaking in her nipples. When he reached the inside of her elbow, she nearly shot to the ceiling. He’d discovered one of her special spots, the place that always made her hot and wet in an instant. Her hope that she wouldn’t embarrass herself died when his nostrils flared at her sudden rush of arousal. He’d caught the scent.
    “Whiskey,” she answered a bit too breathlessly for comfort. Another woman might have blushed under the circumstances, but not her. Sex was as natural to her as bathing or hunting. In fact, she and her feline sisters had abnormally high sex drives and regular releases kept them on an even keel, or as their mother reminded them all the time. Sex kept their aggressive tendencies at bay. Unfortunately for Niki, her releases lately had been strictly alone and she’d grown tired of solo play. Earlier that day, she’d run the familiar woods not far from home as the snow fell in big, wet flakes all afternoon. But she never reached the level of satisfaction her body craved. Nature had forced her to accept that without the adrenalin rush of fear or sex, she’d never settle back down.
    Things were looking up for her now though.
    Dean lifted his head to the man behind the bar.
    “You got it, boss.” The barman nodded.
    “It’s nice to meet you, Niki.” Dean stepped closer. “I don’t think I’ve seen you in my bar before. I’m sure I would’ve remembered someone like you. You stand out in a crowd.”
    Niki barely heard his words. With every move he made, her senses were suddenly overflowing

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