A Warrior's Revenge
indomitable warrior
was becoming worn out though and she glanced back at Eshta. Eshta
read her thoughts and nodded before saying, “We have to do
    The two sisters slipped by the girls ahead
of them in the line, until they reached Loric, who was lost to the
world as he fought to make a way through the snow for the others to
follow. Eshta and Kana darted around either side of Loric and fell
into the deep snow ahead of him, but they fought their way to their
feet helping each other.
    Loric waking up to what was happening
started to reach for them, but the girls behind him grabbed a hold
of him and slid by him one by one, until he was the last one of the
column and left to walk on the beaten path of forty pairs of feet.
Eshta and Kana were the strongest of the women, but even they, as
they side-by-side fought through the snow immediately became aware
of the amount of effort Loric had been putting out to break trail
for the rest of them.
    They fought on and after several hours had
gone by two more girls, who were able enough stepped in front of
them and so on and so on repeated the cycle, as Loric walked at the
back of the group for the rest of the day and well into the
    The group was walking along a side slope
that did not have much snow cover on it, when they all felt the
ground shift slightly under their feet and then it shifted badly
and they were all thrown off their feet and one of the youngest of
them, a girl of sixteen called Solin, was carried on down the slope
and over a sharp drop-off.
    Everyone could hear Solin screaming for
help, but she was out of sight. Individual girls started to slip
down the treacherous slope toward her cries, but stopped at Loric’s
voice, “Stop! We’re on a talus slope. We need to get as much weight
off of it as soon as possible or we’ll all go over! Slowly make
your way to that the jut of land up ahead of us at the end of the
loose rock. Eshta and Shalessa, I need your ropes tied together,
but keep one end of it.”
    As the rest of the group made it to the safe
ground past the loose rock of the talus slope Loric was making his
way down the talus slope to the edge of the drop-off. Reaching the
edge he peered over and saw Solin. The only thing keeping her from
plunging several thousand feet down was that her hand had gotten
caught between two rocks. She looked up at him, as her blonde hair
blew in the breeze freely, “Leave me.” Was all she said.
    “Never!” Was all Loric said in return,
before he climbed down over the edge onto some rocky projections.
Loric got as close as he could before he leaned over and grabbed a
hold of the girl’s coat, as her hand and arm were to bloody to get
a good grip on. He lifted her carefully, until she was able to
extend her other arm up to him. He took her arm and pulled her up
the rest of the way and then holding her against him he made his
way back up over the edge onto the slope of loose rock.
    The rocks slipped out from underneath him
and for a moment both he and Solin fell over the edge. Eshta and
Shalessa were jerked off the bank onto the talus, their heels
digging deep, with screams of panic the rest of the group piled on
top of the rope trailing out behind the two girls being drug toward
the edge. The slide toward the edge stopped and gathering
themselves the girls began to pull and Loric soon appeared back
over the edge with Solin held tightly against him. Within moments
the two were safely past the loose rocks and on the solid ground
that the rest of the group stood on.
    Loric studied Solin’s arm and hand and came
to the conclusion that they could be saved, but her fingers were
shredded beyond repair. He glanced up at her and she met his gaze
resolutely. She pulled a knife out and handed it to him the
intenseness of her gaze betrayed by the quiver of her lips.
    Loric took the knife and glanced at Kana,
who nodding took it from him, as she unslung her pack. Loric moved
around Solin and held her still, while a few of the

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