A Vintage Christmas

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Book: A Vintage Christmas by Ali Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Harris
totally understood. We had a nice meal that night. We were both so tired we just ended up having room service... but that was kind of romantic anyway!’
    I daren’t look at Lily. I haven’t convinced myself, let alone her. ‘Anyway, there’s plenty of time for all that. Sam and I have got forever to have romantic moments. But this find was a one-off. And I know you’re just going to love David Angelo.’
    ‘Not as much as we love Sam Arthur,’ Lily says. I narrow my eyes at her.
    ‘Lily Carmichael, you know I didn’t mean it like that,’ I say.
    ‘Just as long as Sam knows,’ she retorts in a light voice.
    ‘What do you mean?’
    ‘Male egos need constant stroking my dear. You must know that. Obviously your career is supremely important – and rightly so darling – you’re a 21st century woman – but don’t prioritise it all the time. Sam needs to feel he’s as important to you as your work. If not...’ she makes a sucking noise through her perfectly painted red lips.
    ‘Well, let’s just say work won’t keep you warm at night, darling.’
    I roll my eyes and stand up. ‘Sam and I are fine, Lily,’ I say picking up my bag. ‘He understands how important my work is to me.’ She doesn’t answer. ‘I’d best be off. Busy day ahead,’ I say to the three of them. They all wave at me, poised to turn and chat as soon as I’m out of sight.
    I love my friends, they’re wise, funny and eloquent. I usually listen to them, but this time, Lily is wrong. Sam is totally supportive of my work. He has no problem with it. Everything is fine.
    I glance at my phone again. Still no text.

Chapter 6
    Tuesday 19th November
    35 shopping days until Christmas
    The months pass quickly between my meeting with Rupert, the beginning of the new season and the launch of Angelo’s collection at Hardy’s. Four months isn’t long to design and make a whole collection, but I just know we can do it. David has been working tirelessly – as have I, travelling to and from Tetbury to look over his designs; to Italy with him to help choose materials, and then back to Tetbury, simply to watch him and Maria work.
    It’s been fascinating watching the shoe-making process – the meticulousness of his concentration on the fit, length and shape, the beautiful stitch-work, not to mention how Maria compliments him by working to perfectly enhance his exquisite designs on the details – whether it’s lace appliques, crystals, or beadwork. They’re a great team. Something that can’t be said of Sam and me right now.
    ‘You off to Angelo’s again?’ he’d said, without looking at me as he got Sophie ready for school this morning.
    ‘Yep, just till tomorrow though. I’m going down to look at some specially sourced silks for David’s collection.’
    ‘Right... And you’re staying overnight?’ He’d looked at me meaningfully, but I’d missed whatever point he was trying to make. Was he jealous? Of David? Surely not!
    ‘Yes, Maria is cooking dinner – she wants to say thank you.’ I look at Sam who doesn’t look any happier – even at the mention of David’s wife. ‘They invited you too, remember? But we couldn’t get a babysitter...’
    ‘I don’t need a babysitter, Evie.’ Sophie had interjected proudly. ‘I’m, like, seven now, you know.’ She grins at me and I mouth, “I know, right?” as if I’m in on a secret and her dad isn’t. It’s a little game we play that has really helped bring us closer together.
    Sam had folded his arms as he’d gazed at her. Not for the first time I’d noticed how much Sophie looks like her dad, with her barley blonde ringlets and wide, one penny piece eyes. She even has his dimples. ‘Oh you think you’re such a big girl huh?’ Sam had said swinging her into his arms with ease. ‘Too big to be carried like a baby?’ He’d flipped her on to her back and she’d squealed and flung her head back with delight, kicking her legs as Sam had cradled her whilst

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