A Valentine for Kayla

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Book: A Valentine for Kayla by Kimberly Rose Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Rose Johnson
her. But that was before he realized how shallow she was and that she’d been only using him to further her career. As she was trying to do now. Of all the men she knew, why him?
    His face heated. He’d been taken in by her beauty and charm when they’d run into one another after a movie screening two years ago. If he’d only known what kind of person she was then, he’d never have asked her out, even if it did help his career to be seen in public with her.
    â€œI care about you, DJ.” She caressed his arm. “We were great together. Give us another chance.”
    â€œStop acting, Estelle. I fell for that once, but I’m not naive anymore. I see right through you.” He shook her hand off his arm. She cared about only herself, and it was clear she needed him for her endgame. Or at least, she thought she did; otherwise, she wouldn’t be here. “This is how it’s going to play out. I’ll move back into the guest cottage for the night. You’ll stay in my mom’s guestroom, and then tomorrow I’ll have a friend pick up your car. We’ll meet at a preset destination. You will leave, and I will go on with my life.”
    Her face hardened and she crossed her arms. “I don’t think so. I’m not leaving this town until you agree to go with me and announce that you’re working on your next album.”
    He shook his head. “Not happening. I’m done with that life.” He pushed open his door and slid out.
    Estelle met him by the hood. “Please, DJ. I need you back.”
    â€œSo you said.” He strode toward the front door and looked over his shoulder. “Are you coming?”
    â€œIf you won’t return for me, then do it for your fans.” She squared her shoulders and marched forward.
    Her words hit their mark. For the most part, he appreciated his fans. They were his only regret.
    Estelle glanced at him. “Jerry told me about your mom. Are you sure it’s okay that I stay here?”
    He jerked his head in her direction. “If you knew, why did you come? And why would Jerry tell you where I am? What do you have over him?”
    She pursed her lips, and he saw vulnerability in her eyes. “Nothing. He’s my manager, too. Remember? My movie tanked, and he’s trying to help a client. The critics are ripping me apart. Everyone loved us together. Don’t you see? If you and I get back together, then the media will focus on us as a couple and stop obsessing over the movie’s failure. I need some good press. Actually, I need a lot of good press so the critics will forget about my last movie and producers will want to hire me again.” She folded her arms. “There, I said it. Happy now?”
    He should’ve known it was something like that. “No, but I’m sorry about your movie. How about you lie low for a few days? I’m sure the next big story will pop up any day and talk of your movie will be forgotten.”
    â€œMaybe, but I like my idea better.”
    â€œYou always did have to be right.” He pushed the door open and waited for Estelle before closing it. “Mom, I’m home, and I brought a guest.”
    â€œIn…the kitchen.”
    Estelle grabbed his arm. “Is she okay?”
    â€œShe had a stroke and she’s tired by evening, so her speech is usually more halting. But don’t let that fool you. Her mind is sharp, so don’t talk down to her or try to finish her sentences for her. That only frustrates her more.”
    Estelle nodded and walked beside him into the kitchen. “Mom, this is Estelle Rogers. Estelle, Helen.”
    Mom turned from the oven. “Welcome. Derek’s…told me…all about…you.”
    â€œIt’s lovely to meet you, Helen.”
    Derek sighed at the excited look in his mom’s eyes. Yes, he’d told her about Estelle, but he had left out the unpleasant details. Maybe he should have shared

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