A Touch of Souls (Immortal Souls)

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Book: A Touch of Souls (Immortal Souls) by Erin Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Harris
it was for a whole different reason than me having a date with another man tonight.
    "Okay, I'll just go get you my keys, be right back!" He jogged into the house, and returned about five seconds later with his keys in one hand and a credit card in another. "I want you to take my credit card and use it. After everything that you have been through, you could really use a true shopping spree," he smiled warmly at me while extending his keys and card toward me. I took the keys and then hesitantly the card also. I had no intentions of actually using it, I just wanted to give him a peace of mind.
    "Thank you," I said gratefully as I quickly pecked him on the cheek. Turning around to his SUV, it proved to be harder than I anticipated to leave my mom's car there with him, but it was something that I had to do. I needed to get away from it, from all the memories it brought back.
    Pulling into the mall's parking lot, I got out and walked around to the back to get my purse. As I opened the back door, I noticed a red piece of cloth. Reaching under the seat, I pulled out a lace bra that was two sizes too small to be mine. Oh hell no! I hadn't intended to use his credit card, but oh, this totally changed my mind! It was at that moment that I knew, I was changed.
    Chapter 6
    Walking into the hair salon at the mall, I already knew that what I was about to do was going to be drastic. I just couldn't stop myself. I was becoming who I had always wanted to be. I wouldn't let anyone tell me who to be anymore.
    "Hi, what can I do for you today?" A short, potato of a woman asked me as I walked through the door.
    "I would like for you to dye my hair, please," I asked as sweetly as I could. I knew she was going to try to talk me out of it. Everyone did. Any other day, I would have relented, but I was done being who everyone else wanted me to be.
    "What color, darling? A light brown? Dark brown? Maybe just a little dirtier blonde?" she questioned with a smile.
    "Red, dark red, with black highlights." I heard her sharp intake of breath as soon as the words left my mouth. I laughed silently. This was going to be good.
    "B-but you have such gorgeous hair," she stuttered, running her fingers through my thick golden locks.
    "Please, ma'am. It's what I want, and whether or not you do it here, really doesn't matter, I'll go get it done elsewhere if need be."
    "Oh, no no! We can do it, just have a seat please," she says as she gestures to a chair right next to her.
    "Thank you," I say as I make my way to the chair she indicated. Relaxing, I calm down from my fury at Hunter as the woman works her hands through my hair. When it's time to rinse the dye out, I feel much better. I almost feel guilty for doing this to Hunter. Almost.
    I pay with his credit card and then make my way to the shop in the mall that I know does piercings and tattoos. Time to get my lip pierced and then go shopping for some new clothes. He was going to regret treating me like this. I was going to ensure it.
    Walking out of the mall with my hair done, a lip ring around my full lower lip, and bags filled with new clothes, I felt like a whole new person. The person I have always wanted to be. As I climb into Hunter's Hummer, I couldn't help but wonder what I would tell him when I arrived at his place. Should I tell him anything?
    As I pull into Hunter's driveway, I noticed first thing that there was a car in his driveway that looked suspiciously like Candy's. I decided to just leave his keys and credit card in his driver's seat with the bra that I found in the back of his car. He's not stupid, he'll get the hint.
    Driving home, I'm excited about my new look and even now looking forward to the date that I don't have to feel so bad about now. Once at home, I decided to go ahead and dress up. I hadn't been on a date that wasn't with Hunter since freshman year. I was gonna show him what he's gonna miss since he cheated on me with Candy. But wait, wasn't Candy with Dimitri? I felt a

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