A Survivalists Tale

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Book: A Survivalists Tale by James Rafferty Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Rafferty
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Action & Adventure, Genre Fiction, Contemporary Fiction
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and your eyes open. Just as I said it, the rain stopped, like someone turning off the tap, we caught them flat footed they were out in the open and had been relying on the rain to hide them. I shouted give it to them and we did taking careful aim we started to reduce their numbers, I saw a group of four white men jump behind a boulder and grabbed an RPG I quickly aimed it at the down side of the boulder but right next to it. The idea was the rocks would act as shrapnel and hit the bastards behind the rock, just before firing I shouted to my team fire on this and fired. It went perfect I must have got at least two of them as blood sprayed out the other side and as the others got up to run downhill the team cut them to shreds. Up on the hill I looked for who had set of the booby trap, but I saw no one I limped to the other side of the hill and could see four natives running away from the hill and keep going, looks like they had enough of being killed for the white men. I wondered why the poachers were trying to kill us; there was no way they were going to manage to cover this up, Margret who was bringing water to the team, suddenly went over backwards, she had been shot in the head. I couldn't believe it the woman hadn’t hurt a fly, probably her whole life and now dies here where she should be enjoying herself. I had enough I grabbed the sniper rifle and peered between two rocks, it didn’t take me long to see the cunt, he wasn’t even very good at sniping, well he would never get another lucky shot at my team, I carefully sighted on him just as he saw me through his scope. I squeezed the trigger and my shot went through the scopes and took of the top of his head, I then looked for more targets and started picking of men who thought they were hidden. Not to me they weren’t with the scopes I could see right into the bushes and trees and began culling everyone I could. They started to realise they were dropping like flies and that went for the whites to, they must have hired mercenaries to have that many white men. I looked to where the men were heading to and sure enough, there was smoke coming from our old camp, that’s where the moneymen would be. Thinking themselves out of range and safe, well not to me, not this time, I grabbed as many magazines as I could making sure they were full I took one of the Kalashnikovs for they had larger magazines than the scar. I then collected all three RPGs and an extra round for each, Carol said where are you going, to finish this before anyone else loses their life and before you ask I need you here to look after the others, this is something I have to do on my own, believe me one more person and it won’t work. I hobbled down the far side of the hill and headed left towards the river, I followed the river down and the useless planks had no one guarding it, I pulled myself out of the river alongside the camp where I had a good line of sight. They had all the trucks and jeeps parked in a square, feck knows what they were thinking, the poachers were in three groups having something to eat and drink.
    I saw the bunch that must be in charge as they were telling one of the other whites from the other fire what to do, I could hear some of the argument, it seemed the ones in charge wanted to make us all vanish and leave a mystery so they could come back in a couple of years. I lay all three RPGs where I could reach them quickly and the spare grenades alongside them, there was a big rock right in the middle of their fire, which they had the coffee pot sitting on. I aimed right for the centre of it and fired my first rocket, before it had even hit I was picking up the second one, they were all rushing for the trucks so I fired right at the left thick gate post and blew it up. Turning quite a few of them into dead porcupines, the next went into the biggest truck I could see. I knew they were firing at me but I focused on loading and firing at the trucks, once I had run out of grenades the

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