A Straight Line to My Heart

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Book: A Straight Line to My Heart by Bill Condon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Condon
Tags: Juvenile Fiction
    All this for his appointment to see Anna.
    â€˜She’s only a doctor,’ Bull reminds him. ‘Not the bloody Queen.’
    â€˜Come from the old school, I do,’ Reggie says, ‘where we had respect. A man doesn’t want to look like a no-hoper.’
    I ask him where his tie is, just for a stir, because I know what the answer will be.
    â€˜Don’t believe in ’em,’ he says. ‘You can get in all kinds of strife with ties. Oh yes. My very word.’
    I’ve heard his killer-tie stories many times.
    It just doesn’t make any sense puttin’ a noose around your own neck. You put it on too tight and you half choke to death; too loose and its liable to fly up and get caught in a train door. And then there’s–
    But today I don’t ask him to explain the dangers. I’d like to have a laugh – just to myself – but I’ve got somewhere I have to be.
    The bus to Menindah takes an hour. I’ve left myself plenty of time to make it to the Eagle by nine.
    Bull has other ideas.
    â€˜I have to call in at the courthouse there this morning,’ he says. ‘You might as well keep me company on the drive.’
    â€˜Forget it. I’m not going with you in the cop car.’
    â€˜Won’t kill yer.’ He checks out the mirror as he goes past. Looks disappointed at what he finds there. ‘You ready?’
    â€˜Everyone will think I’m under arrest.’
    â€˜Especially when I put the cuffs on yer.’
    â€˜You’re an idiot, Bull.’
    â€˜So I’ve been told, but who cares what anyone thinks? Don’t worry about it. You can get the bus for the rest of the week.’
    â€˜No buts. It’s a done deal. We can drop off Reggie as we go through town.’
    Reggie bristles at this. ‘Nah. I’ll be right. Got me walkin’ shoes on.’
    â€˜Forget that. Anna’s expecting you there sometime this week.’
    In fifteen minutes we pull up in front of Anna’s surgery. Bull gives Reggie a card with the cop shop’s number on it.
    â€˜Someone should be there. Give them a bell when you’re ready. They’ll organise a lift home – don’t try to walk it. Don’t want you dropping dead on the side of the road. This is a tidy town, yer know.’
    Reggie pokes his head through the window.
    â€˜See what I gotta put up with, Tiffy? Talk about flamin’ police brutality.’
    â€˜Haven’t started on you yet.’ Bull winks at me. ‘You go ahead and walk home, old bloke – I’ve been looking for an excuse to try out the taser.’
    â€˜Yeah, yeah.’ Reggie slaps the car door. ‘See yer, Tiffy.’
    We drive off quickly. I turn around, watching Reggie as long as I can. He looks unsteady on his feet.
    Tell me again he’s going to be okay, Bull. I say it to myself, but somehow he hears it.
    â€˜Stop worryin’, mate.’ His gnarly fist scrapes against my jaw. ‘Anna’ll fix him up.’
    The towns whiz by. Bull eyes the clock on the dash. ‘Should make it right on time. You must be chuffed about this. Finally gettin’ a start at a paper. How’s it feel?’
    â€˜All right.’
    â€˜Can’t you do better than that? You have to be excited. You wanted to be a reporter from way back – used to cut stories out of the paper when you were a little girl. Then you’d rearrange them and stick them in a book – made your own newspapers. Remember that?’
    â€˜Not me. I’d never do anything that lame.’
    â€˜You gotta stop trying to be cool, Tiff. Doesn’t do a thing for me.’
    That’s because you don’t know what cool is, Bull! You’ve never had a cool day in your life! In fact, the only thing cool about you, is me! I almost say those things, but then I remember he’s got a gun.
    â€˜This is your dream job,’

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